Jana Kareli – the participant of the Dual Vocational Education Program

Attending the Dual Vocational Education Program for Kindergarten Teachers have significantly changed Jana Kareli’s career.

Jana took a friend’s advice and joined the program. She successfully passed the interview stage and at the age of 23, she connected her career with children. Within the framework of the program, Jana gained both theoretical and practical knowledge, successfully passed the internship stage, and today she works as a kindergarten teacher at the School of Sciences in Gori.

In addition, Jana graduated from the Faculty of Primary Education in 2019. Professional knowledge has greatly contributed to her success.

Communication with children is difficult and requires a lot
of patience, but I feel very comfortable, my profession also helped me with this. The dual vocational education program has given me the opportunity to interact directly with the kids, which is a whole other experience. During practice, you learn a lot from children.

For Jana, the short-term training program is an exciting opportunity to be employed in her profession, to be successful and qualified educator.

Dual Vocational Education Program for Kindergarten Teachers
was implemented by Education Development and Employment Center (EDEC) and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) within the EU-funded project “EU4Youth – Enhancing Youth Education, Employment and Participation in Conflict-affected Areas in Georgia and Ukraine”.

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