გორში, დუალური პროფესიული განათლების სასწავლო პროგრამის წარმატებულ კურსდამთავრებულებს, სერტიფიკატები გადაეცათ

9 beneficiaries were involved in the short-term vocational program “Sales and Service+” with the cooperation of Gori State Teaching University being implemented within the frames of the Dual Vocational Education Program and 8 beneficiaries of the will attend the internship course in JIBE Cash &Carry.

The program is implemented within the framework of the project “EU4Youth – Enhancing Youth Education, Employment and Participation in Conflict-affected Areas in Georgia and Ukraine”.

The project aims to widen education, employment, and entrepreneurial opportunities for internally displaced persons and conflict-affected youth and encourages their significant participation in the community.

EU4Youth – Enhancing Youth Education, Employment, and Participation in Conflict-affected Areas in Georgia and Ukraine is implemented by the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) and Education Development and Employment Center (EDEC) in Georgia. The project is funded by the European Union.

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