Public Speaking & Debates

Name: Public Speaking & Debates

Implementation period: ongoing

Implementation area: Kutaisi


Target group(s): VII–XI grade students

Course duration: 4 months

Classes: twice a week (4 hours)

Course fee: 100 GEL per month

Objective: Students will learn public speaking techniques, develop analytical and quick thinking skills, including logical reasoning. Students will be able to put these skills into practice at school, higher education, and public life in general

Planned activities: During the course, competitions a debate tournament and “Orator” – and imitated trial are held, The best students are rewarded with prizes,
Participants are given the opportunity to engage in Georgian and/or English language debates

Expected results: After completing a course of public speaking and debate, students become more self-confident, easily gaining a place in society. It makes it easier to set priorities and pursue their own goals and aspirations. Their involvement in youth programs is high

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