Strengthening Parents and Effective Coordination of Local Resources

Name: Strengthening Parents and Effective Coordination of Local Resources

Implementation period: 2012

Implementation area: Imereti Region, Terjola Municipality

Donors /Partners: Save the Children International – Georgia Country Office Overall Budget: ₾ 14 782 Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: ₾ 14 782 Objective: To increase the involvement of parents of children with disabilities in the process of advocacy and protection of their children’s rights. Target group(s): Local Government, Social Service Agency Beneficiaries: Parents of children with disabilities based in Terjola Municipality Implemented activities:

  1. Trainings for members of the Coordinating Council and for the parents of children with disabilities;
  2. Information campaign to raise awareness about the rights of children with disabilities.
  3. An advocacy campaign to consider the needs of people with disabilities in the municipal budget has been launched.
Achieved results:
  1. A parents’ club has been established in Terjola municipality;
  2. A Coordinating Council has been established for Persons with Disabilities;

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