The Right to Health

Name: The Right to Health

Implementation period: 2014

Implementation area: Gori, Kutaisi, Batumi, Dusheti


Donors /Partners:

  1. East-West Management Institute (EWMI)
  2. Society “Biliki”


Objective: Promoting the interests of people with disabilities in the process of improving the universal health care program

Target group(s): Persons with disability, Government of Georgia

Beneficiaries: Persons with disabilities benefiting from the state program of universal health care

Conducted activities:

  1. A survey was conducted to evaluate the state’s universal health care program
  2. 370 citizens were interviewed throughout Kutaisi
  3. A focus group meeting was held with 15 medical workers


Achieved results:

A guide has been developed for the beneficiaries of the state program of universal health care; it significantly increased the beneficiaries’ level of information about the program and their ability to demand their rights

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