The representatives of the organization “Parents for Georgia’s Future” visited LAMPARI, the Terjola daycare center for children with disabilities, and gave the beneficiaries development materials.
The organization has been cooperating with EDEC for years and they often visit the daycare center.
Within the framework of the state-funded social rehabilitation and childcare program, the Education Development and Employment Center runs daycare centers in Kutaisi, Samtredia, Terjola, and Saguramo. The facilities provide dozens of children with disabilities (6-18 years) and their families with services based on individual needs; they aim to improve their functional, academic, and social skills.
The opportunity to renew the work at our daycare centers was given to us with the support from the organization Renovabis (Solidarity initiative of the German Catholics with the people in Central and Eastern Europe) in the framework of the project “Re-Opening of Four Day Care Centers for People with Disabilities in Georgia after Compulsory Corona-Closure”.