Ilia Natsvaladze joined the Education Development and Employment Center in 2010 as a coordinator of civil society development programs. From July 2022, he continues to work as a coordinator of volunteer work in the organization. His direct responsibility includes the implementation of activities promoting the development of volunteerism, the creation and work of youth councils, and the coordination of measures necessary for their development.
Ilia has 25 years of experience in the civil sector. In different years, he coordinated the management and implementation of projects financed by international donor organizations, and worked as a regional coordinator of the program “Development of inclusive education in public schools of 9 regions of Georgia” of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, as a researcher of the American research company “GeoWel Research”; Until now, he is the coordinator of the programs of the United Nations Association of Georgia in Western Georgia and Ac. Head of the Legal Clinic of the Law Department of Tsereteli State University.
Ilia has many years of experience working as a trainer and leads educational programs in relation to mass media, human rights, and civic education.
Ilia Natsvaladze received his education at Tsereteli State University majored in journalism and received a master’s degree. He is a participant in training courses and study visits initiated by international organizations in the Czech Republic, Poland, and Latvia. He has also authored/co-authored several handbooks on project writing and management, volunteering, time banking, women’s reproductive health, domestic violence prevention, community advocacy, and civic engagement.