Organization and execution of job fairs, preparation, and delivery of short-term training workshops for job seekers on fundamental labor market rules

Name: Organization and execution of job fairs, preparation, and delivery of short-term training workshops for job seekers on fundamental labor market rules

Implementation period: 05.2021–07.2021

Implementation area: Batumi

Donors /Partners: Employment Agency of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara

Overall Budget: 14,200 GEL

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 14,200 GEL

Objective: Connecting organizations and job seekers within the Autonomous Republic of Adjara

Target group(s): Job seekers and organizations operating in the Adjara region

Beneficiaries: Organizations and job seekers operating within the territorial unit of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara

Conducted activities:

  1. A Job Fair was organized and held
  2. Short-term training seminars on basic labor market rules were prepared and conducted for job seekers


Achieved results:

  1. A Job Fair was held in which more than 400 job seekers participated. At the forum, 65 small, medium, and large businesses in the Adjara region presented more than 1000 vacancies
  2. Approximately 100 job seekers attended a short-term training seminar where they received instruction on resume writing, cover letter writing, effective communication with employers, and interview techniques

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