The participants of the project “Young Leaders for Sustainable Development Goals” were trained on using volunteerism platform “Time Bank”. The piece of training was held at the National Center for Children and Youth.
The piece of training aimed to promote bilateral volunteerism platform Time Bank. Participants became familiar with the the specifics of the digital platform and how it works.
The piece of training was held in the frames of the project ”Georgian Civil Society Sustainability Initiative”.The project was developed and is implemented by the consortium led by the Konrad¬-Adenauer¬-Stiftung in cooperation with four Georgian Civil Society Organizations: Civil Society Institute (CSI), Center for Training and Consultancy (CTC), Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia (CSRDG) and Education Development and Employment Center (EDEC).The project is funded by the European Union and co-funded by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.