UN Modeling on Terrorism and Global Security was held

Within the framework of the Human Rights Week, members of the Kutaisi Youth Center held a UN Modeling on Terrorism and Global Security.

To learn and understand the mechanisms of the United Nations the participants simulated the work of the worldwide acting institution. Therefore, they embodied various UN bodies such as for example the Security Council and the General Assembly, as well as a number of member states. As delegates they discussed the ways to solve the challenges related to terrorism and global security and presented their solutions. 

3 winners were announced: 

  • Delegate from China – Irakli Pachulia;
  • Delegate from Germany – Ina Utmelidze
  • Delegate from Russia – Salome Zhorzholiani.

UN Modeling is organized within the framework of the “Promoting Integration, Tolerance, and Awareness” (PITA) Program, implemented by the United Nations Association of Georgia (UNAG) with financial support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The program partner is the Kutaisi Education Development and Employment Center (EDEC).

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