Female entrepreneur Tsitsino Shengelia runs a decorative wood processing plant

Tsitsino Shengelia works on both, massive wood accessories
and plywood is painting and making ornamental carving by hand.

She completed the Entrepreneurship School and used one of
the most important services of the project – the mentoring – intensively. Her
mentor, Nino Jonjolava, is the CEO of “Area Group” and provided significant
marketing assistance.

Tsitsino Shengelia: “ It was Nino’s idea to create a new product
line of kitchen accessories, which helped me a lot and strengthened me as the
entrepreneur. Sales increased. The style and tone of communication, which she developed
for me and which I use successfully ever since turned out to be beneficial.“

The mentoring program for young entrepreneurs is part of the
EU-funded project “EU4Youth – Enhancing Youth Education, Employment and
Participation in Conflict-affected Areas in Georgia and Ukraine.” The
initiative aims to widen education, employment, and entrepreneurial
opportunities for internally displaced persons and conflict-affected youth and
encourages their significant participation in the community. In Georgia, it is
implemented by the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) and the Education Development
and Employment Center (EDEC).


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