A special seminar about protective methods against the new coronavirus was held for the beneficiaries of Daycare Centers

A special seminar about protective methods against the new coronavirus was held for the beneficiaries of Daycare Centers for Children and People with Disabilities established at the Education Development and Employment Center (EDEC).

The seminar included the following information:

what is the virus;
how to protect ourselves from Covid-19;
the correct usage of medical masks, show covers, and gloves.

Through fun activities, with the help of disposable gloves, daycare center specialists taught the rules of hand hygiene, which will help them to gain knowledge and abilities regarding personal hygiene.

At “Sapovnela” – the daycare center in Terjola, Tamar Vardosanidze, the volunteer activist and the junior student of Stata Medical University gave the beneficiaries all important information regarding the pandemic and fighting against coronavirus.

Day Care Centers Program is implemented by Education Development and Employment Center (EDEC) with the support of the LEPL Agency For State Care And Assistance For the (Statutory) Victims of Human trafficking, of the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health, and Social Affairs of Georgia.

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