“Promoting Volunteering among Youth in Borjomi” is another winning initiative

“Promoting Volunteering among Youth in Borjomi”, presented by the volunteer firefighters from Borjomi, is another winning initiative of the Contest for Volunteering Initiatives announced by the Education Development and Employment Center (EDEC).

Within the initiative, volunteer firefighters from Borjomi gathered in Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park, Kvabiskhevi gorge, and conducted the cleaning action days, cleaning the picnic areas in the National Park.

On the same day, volunteers participated in the event. “Grata” #catalystglobal team offered volunteers a very interesting activity ‘’Escape The Maze’’. The volunteers were provided with special backpacks and tablets. The special program installed in the tablets showed specific locations to find and fulfill the tasks. The diverse tasks involved physical, mental, and visual puzzles.

The initiative aims to promote volunteering as an important civic responsibility among the youth and to engage them in volunteering activities. Several activities are planned, namely:

‣ a training led by the exchange trainer on the topic of engaging and motivating volunteers will be organized for the volunteer firefighter groups;

‣ informational meetings regarding the significance of volunteering will be held with the high school students at Borjomi public schools;

‣ youth volunteer clubs will be established, the members of which will be engaged in various volunteering activities addressing public issues.

The Contest for Volunteering Initiatives is implemented within the ”Georgian Civil Society Sustainability Initiative” project. The contest aims to support the promotion of volunteering, raise awareness of civil society, and increase their participation in civic activities through volunteering.

”Georgian Civil Society Sustainability Initiative” was developed and is implemented by the consortium lead by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in cooperation with four Georgian Civil Society Organizations: Civil Society Institute (CSI), Center for Training and Consultancy (CTC), Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia (CSRDG) and Education Development and Employment Center (EDEC). The project is funded by the European Union and co-funded by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.

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