An informational meeting for IDP community-based organizations was held in Kutaisi’s IDP settlements by the Education Development and Employment Center (EDEC) and the Business Information Center (BIC).
The meetings aim to strengthen community-based organizations, to introduce to them ways to access existing resources and how to locate new funds.
Representatives from the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia along with the representatives from UN Women and representatives from the Kutaisi Consultation Center and the Social Service Agency participated in the meetings.
IDP community-based organizations received information about the support program “Social-Economic Empowerment of Vulnerable IDPs, Considering Gender Aspects and Strengthening them Through Co-Financing their Livelihoods and to Make them Socially Active”. They also became familiar with various professional development programs.
The project “From Dependency to Self-sufficiency – Innovative and Effective Livelihood Solutions for Georgia,” is implemented by the Danish Refugee Council and the Charity Humanitarian Center “Abkhazia” with financial assistance from the European Union. Kutaisi Education Development and Employment Center is a partner of the program in Kutaisi.