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Beneficiaries of the Terjola Day Care Center joined the event “Let’s play together”

Beneficiaries of the Terjola Day Care
Center for Children with Disabilities “Sapovnela” joined the event “Let’s play
together” held at the Tkibuli Sports Palace. The event included activities like
karaoke, dancing, sport, handicraft, and others.

As part of the initiative “Let’s play
together” US-Peace Corps volunteers organize gatherings and entertaining
activities for children with disabilities living in different regions of

The event held in Tkibuli was organized by the
Tkibuli District Development Foundation along with 37 Peace Corps volunteers. It
was supported by the Tkibuli, Terjola, and Kharagauli municipalities.

The Day Care Centers Program is implemented
by the Education Development and Employment Center (EDEC) with support of the
Social Service Agency of the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the
Occupied Territories, Labour, Health, and Social Affairs of Georgia.