Establishment of a New Organization

Since 2017, the Education Development and Employment Center has been a member of the Caucasus Caregivers Cooperation  Network   (CCC), which unites 35 organizations to provide high-quality and accessible social services to all vulnerable groups of society to realize their rights and opportunities.

Many years of experience and scope of social services administration led the Education Development and Employment Center to the decision to create an independent organization that will continue to manage and develop the social services administered by the organization, creating new services based on needs in different municipalities.

According to the decision of the board, on May 16, 2022, a new non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) legal entity “Habitat for Equality, Achievements, and Development (HEAD)” was founded by the NNLE Education Development and Employment Center, and it became the legal successor of the implementation of social services under the administration of the center. In particular, today “Habitat” – HEAD administers daycare centers for children and persons with special needs in Kutaisi, Samtredia, Terjola, and Saguramo and speech therapy centers in Kutaisi, Saguramo, and Zugdidi. From 2023, daycare centers for children and persons with special needs (under 18 years of age and adults with special needs) will be opened in Bagdati Municipality.

EDEC will continue to care for the development of social services, will help to inform target groups, and raise their awareness about their rights, their protection, the role of the state and society, and state protection mechanisms.

The Education Development and Employment Centre plans to strengthen cooperation with civil organizations, and local and central government structures in the direction of creating social policies and programs.

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