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EDEC’s partner colleges organized professional orientation training and career counseling days

From January 28 to 31, 2024, organized by the Education Development and Employment Center (EDEC), the Telavi Education Development and Employment Center (TEDEC) conducted professional orientation trainings and career consultations. The event involved 169 participants, including students from four partner colleges – Blacksea, Construct2, New Wave, and Batumi State Maritime Academy – as well as high school seniors and career orientation teachers. During the training, participants were introduced to William Moulton Marston’s DISC model and behavioral typology.

They individually identified their behavioral types and explored connections between their personal visions and capabilities. Based on John Holland’s theory, participants evaluated their interests and selected professional fields aligned with those interests. As part of the project, participants underwent individual consultations with trainers using the self-assessment questionnaire shared by German partners. This process helped them identify their personal and social skills, which will assist in defining their future professional goals.

The project “Master of My House – Professional Qualification” is being implemented by the Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe (IWO), Education Development and Employment Center (EDEC), the Hanse Parliament and Charity Humanitarian Center Abkhazet (CHCA) with the financial support of Federal Foreign Office of Germany (AA).