Mariam Skhiladze the winner of the competition “Women Can Do It”


Mariam Skhiladze, the 11th-grade student of Ilem Public School in Zestaponi Municipality and the leader of the Civic Education Club “Edelweiss” became the winner of the competition “Women Can Do It” announced by the Education Development and Employment Center within the framework of the Civic Education Program “Future Generation”.

The members of the civic club of 5 public schools of the Imereti region took part in the competition. Within the framework of the competition, on March 3-8 of the current year, the participants were to organize the women’s rights week, to hold various creative and artistic activities, create interesting informative materials in order to raise awareness about women’s rights, and present information about the implemented activities in the form of a presentation.

Received presentations were reviewed by the commission according to several criteria (relevance of the paper with the idea of ​​the competition, variety of activities, creativity) and identified the winning contestant.

During the week, members of the winning club, Edelweiss, produced wall newspapers; conducted a test to determine how well the schoolchildren knew about the women’s rights; organized a rally informing that “Women can do it”; held a film screening and discussion on the topic of violence against women; created and spread the motivational video about the rights and opportunities of women.

The winning club will be awarded by EDEC in May 2021 at the concluding event within the Future Generation program.

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