Ongoing Projects
Name: Citizens for Local Development
Implementation period: 01.2024-01.2025
Implementation area: Imereti region, Racha-Lechkhumi-Kvemo Svaneti region
- AIP Foundation Abkhaz Intercont (AIC)
- Tetra Tech/Local Governance program
Total budget of the project: 63,399.73 GEL
The part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 63,399.73 GEL
- To facilitate the resolution of acute problems in two communities of Oni and Tkibuli municipalities (Sakao and Tsutskhvati) through the partnership with local self-government, private sector, and civil society organizations, and active participation of rural communities
- Supporting residents of target villages in conducting multi-sectoral advocacy campaigns to address pressing problems identified at the General Assembly of the settlement
Target group(s): Population of Target Communities: 160 individuals including rural community members, local self-government representatives, and stakeholders
Beneficiaries: Population of Target Communities: Specifically, 671 residents in Tsutskhvati and 342 residents in Sakao, who directly benefit from the project’s initiatives
Planned activities:
- Holding informational meetings to inform representatives of the target communities about the competencies of local self-government and citizen engagement mechanisms
- Organizing General Assemblies in the settlements, defining at least three priority problems and their solutions in each community, and preparing meeting minutes and electing an initiative group and providing it with a mandate of trust from the community
- Conducting 2-day 2 training-seminars on the protection and advocacy of civil interests
- Arranging public discussions with the involvement of experts and interested parties (local and central government, business, media, international and local civil organizations) on the problems put forward by the population and ways to solve them – public discussion of 6 problems in the target communities, formation of private-public partnerships to solve them
- Residents of Sakao and Tsutsukhati participate in Sakrebulo sessions to advocate for solutions to their identified issues
- Raising the awareness of community leaders about the work performed by the municipality Mayor or the sakrebulo member
Expected results :
- Community members are informed about the forms and mechanisms of citizens’ involvement in solving local problems
- Awareness of the target communities is increased about the importance of organizing general meetings of the settlement and experience is gained about the solution of local problems through using the existing mechanisms of involvement
- A community initiative group consisting of at least 3 people and a leader are motivated to justify the mandate of trust given by the community
- Community members have increased knowledge and have appropriate skills for advocacy of community problems and protection of civil interests
- As a result of the multi-sector advocacy campaign, at least one of the problems identified at the general meeting of the settlement is resolved
Name: USAID program “Unity through Diversity”
Implementation period: 07.2022-07.2027
Implementation area: Georgia
- US Agency for International Development (USAID)
- UN Association of Georgia (UNAG)
Overall Budget: $ 20,000.000
Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: $ 111,000
Objective: To overcome political, social, and economic obstacles that hinder the process of integrating ethnic and religious minorities in Georgia. The task of the program is to make the process of resolving these challenges in cooperation between different sectors and with the participation of the general public
Target Group(s): Young people
Beneficiaries: Young people living in Imereti region (from 15 to 29 years)
Planned activities: Within the framework of the USAID program “Unity through Diversity”, Kutaisi Youth Center is available for 15-29-year-olds and young people. The Youth Center is a place of open educational and civil gatherings. This space encourages young people to get involved in civil and economic activities, both local and national. Depending on the goals of the program, members of the Kutaisi Youth Center have the opportunity to generate ideas, initiate them, and plan and implement youth projects themselves
Direction of Civil and Economic strengthening of young people:
- Development of skills and competencies in the labor market requirements for young people and economic strengthening of young people
- Promoting youth participation and involvement in public and democratic processes; Developing young people’s key competencies and sacrificial skills
- Establish tolerance, inclusiveness and democratic values in young people and raise awareness of Western values and values
Name: Civil Society STAR Initiative: CSOs as Sustainable, Transparent, Accountable and Resilient Development Actors in Georgia
Implementation period: 01.2021 – 01.2025
Implementation area: Georgia
Donors /Partners:
- European Union (EU)
- Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS)
- Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia (CSRDG)
- Civil Society Institute (CSI)
- Center for Training and Consultancy (CTC)
- Institute for European Politics (IEP)
Overall Budget: 6,000.000 €
Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 355,050 €
Objective(s): Strengthen civil society as an independent, sustainable, transparent, and accountable development actor across Georgia.
Target group(s): Civil society, CSOs, regional hubs, youth councils
Beneficiaries: Civil society, CSOs, youth
Planned activities:
- Draw up the policy paper on volunteerism
- Arrangement of regional workshops and an advocacy campaign
- Development and administration of Web-platform for volunteerism
- E-learning creation and facilitation of volunteerism
- Arrangement of youth camps
- Organization of regional volunteering fairs
- Issuing small grants for volunteering initiatives
- Establishment and training of youth councils
- Issuing grants for youth advocacy initiatives
Completed Projects
Name: Fostering Decentralization and Good Governance at the Local Level in Georgia (DGG)
Implementation Period: 9.12.2022 – 8.10.2023
Implementation Area: Baghdati Municipality (Imereti Region); Ambrolauri municipality (Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti region); Dusheti municipality (Mtskheta-Mtianeti region)
Donors/ Partners :
- United Nations Development Programme “UNDP”
- NGO “Abkhazintercont”
- Mtskheta-Mtianeti regional hub
Overall Budget: 60,000 ₾
Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 60,000 ₾
Objective: Increase the role of citizen participation, especially of young people and women in the municipalities of Baghdati, Ambrolauri, and Dusheti, in the process of decision and local policy-making, by promoting open dialogue between citizens and decision-makers in local self-government and introducing an effective model of engagement
Target group(s): Population of Baghdati, Ambrolauri, and Dusheti municipalities, including young people, women – men – Local civil society organizations – representatives of the business sector, representatives of local self-government bodies, Media
Beneficiaries: The population of target municipalities
Conducted activities:
- Formation of the project implementation team, and presentation of the project to interested parties
- Creation of the organizing committee of the general meeting of the settlement/selection and training of facilitators
- Organization of settlement general meetings with a new methodology and implementation of the model in practice
- Preparation of budget priority documents, submission for consideration in the budget, advocacy of changes
- Organization of reporting meetings/involvement of citizens in the budget review process
- Promoting the generation of knowledge and skills about the use of modern communication technologies for citizen engagement among young people
- Strengthening youth councils and encouraging members to introduce self-reporting and open governance practices
Achieved results:
- In the municipalities of Baghdati, Dusheti and Ambrolauri an innovative model of participatory budgeting has been implemented. This model involves population forums where residents can participate and assess the program budget of their municipalities. During the pilot phase of the program
- 361 local residents of the municipalities evaluated the current year’s programs of the municipalities submitted 140 suggestions 77 of which were reflected in the 2024 budget
Name: Promoting Integration, Tolerance and Awareness (PITA)
Implementation period: 08.2015 – 08.2020
Implementation area: Georgia
Donors /Partners:
- United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
- United Nations Association of Georgia (UNAG)
Overall Budget:
Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 64,665 $
Objective: Enhance the awareness of the Georgian civil society about tolerance and diversity, encourage civic activism among youth, strengthen civil society organizations, fight against hate speech and discrimination.
Target group(s): Young people
Beneficiaries: Young adults between 16 and 25 in Kutaisi and the surrounding areas
Conducted activities:
- Kutaisi Youth Center was established
- Competitions for exchange programs and micro-grants was announced
- Training camps were arranged
Achieved results:
- Various activities, including exchange and small grant competitions, thematic schools, meetings, discussions, debates, public lectures, trainings, seminars, campaigns, and other events were carried out within the framework of the Kutaisi Youth Center.
- Young people who joined the Youth Center took part in these events and gained awareness about tolerance and diversity
Name: Future Generation (MT; Momavlis Taoba)
Implementation period: 2018-2020
Implementation area: Imereti region
Donors /Partners:
- United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
- PH International
- Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia
Overall budget: 84,150 $
Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 84,150 $
Objective: development of civic education curriculum in target schools; support practical application of the knowledge among schoolchildren, promote greater civic engagement of young people; enhance civil society’s role in promoting transparent and accountable governance
Target group(s): Students, teachers, parents, local governments
Beneficiaries: Public school principals, civic education teachers, 9th– to 11th-grade students
Conducted activities:
- Establishment of civil society clubs throughout Imereti
- Implementation of classroom and club initiatives
- Informational visits to civil society organizations and companies
- Celebration and promotion of international days
- Organization of training and meetings with experienced experts
Archived results:
- The formation of the implementation of the projects and civic education clubs that participate in the school are also in cooperation formats with self-governments
- Improved teaching of physical education and the quality of practical application of acquired knowledge through the practice of using the implemented medical education support manuals
Name: Georgian Civil Society Sustainability Initiative (CSSIGE)
Implementation period: 01.2017 – 12.2020
Implementation area: Georgia
Donors /Partners:
- European Union (EU)
- Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS)
- Civil Society Institute (CSI)
- Center for Training and Consultancy (CTC)
- Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia (CSRDG)
Overall budget: 5,070.000 €
The part of the budget assigned to EDEC:
Objective: Enhance the sustainability of the civil society in Georgia with an improved operational environment, empowered CSOs, increased accountability of CSOs to their constituencies, as well as amplified linkages to other actors, and thereby contributing to policy dialogue and development
Target group(s): Population of Georgia, youth, civil society, private and public sectors.
Beneficiaries: Civil society
Conducted activities:
- 21 regional forums were held throughout Georgia, with 2778 individuals and 451 organizations participating
- As a result of these forums, 289 individuals expressed interest in volunteering with the participating organizations
Achieved results:
During the lifetime of the project, over 110 activities were implemented and over 80 sub-grants were awarded in order to engage more than 2,000 civil society actors across the country
Name: Empowering Grass Root Homeowners’ Associations in Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine
Implementation period: 04.2016 – 01.2018
Implementation area: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine – EDEC: Kutaisi
Donors /Partners:
- European Union (EU)
- Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe (IWO e.V)
- Charity Humanitarian Centre Abkhazeti (CHCA)
- The Local Democracy Agency Georgia (LDA Georgia)
- Civil Society Institute (CSI)
Overall budget:
Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 37,000 €
Objective: Capacity building of condominium owners registered in Kutaisi, promotion of effective administration and management in cooperation with the local government
Target group(s): representatives of homeowners’ associations, civil society, local government
Beneficiaries: Representatives of homeowners’ associations in Kutaisi, population of Kutaisi
Conducted activities:
- A resource center was established in Kutaisi, which regularly consulted with representatives of homeowners’ associations
- Periodically, various events were held to share the best practices and practices of homeowners
Achieved results:
- 160 representatives of officially registered housing partnerships received training on housing management issues
- 30 representatives of the local self-government participated in a training program on energy efficiency
- The guide to ‘Managing and Administering Homeowners’ Communities’ was published
Name: Future Generation (MT; Momavlis Taoba)
Implementation period: 2014-2017
Implementation area: Georgia – EDEC: Imereti, Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti regions
Donors /Partners:
- United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
- PH International
- Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia
Overall budget:
Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 226,470 $
Objective: Development of civic education programs in target schools; support practical application of the knowledge among schoolchildren, promote greater civic engagement of young people; enhance civil society’s role in promoting transparent and accountable governance.
Target group(s): Students, teachers, parents, local governments
Beneficiaries: Principals of public schools in Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti, civic education teachers, 9th– to 11th-grade students
Conducted activities:
- Civic club have been set up in 27 schools
- Support of up to 300 classroom initiatives were
- Support of up to 350 club initiatives
- 25 group visits to various organizations and companies
- Celebration of up to 20 international days
- Up to 40 students underwent internships in various organizations
- Up to 20 meetings were held with qualified experts and celebrities
- The practice of using auxiliary textbooks for civic education has been introduced in more than 100 schools
Achieved results: During the implementation of the project, civic education clubs were established that are actively involved in school life and are involved in formats of cooperation with local governments. The practice of using the introduced civic education textbooks has significantly improved the quality of civic education teaching and the application of the acquired knowledge in practice.
Name: Kutaisi Youth Library
Implementation period: 2016
Implementation area: Kutaisi
Donors /Partners:
- Peace Corps in Georgia
- US Embassy in Georgia
Objective: Promoting book reading among young people by offering them modern publications and engaging them in discussion activities
Target group(s): Young people living in Kutaisi, non-governmental sector, private sector
Beneficiaries: young people between seven and 25 living in Kutaisi
Conducted activities: A library was established for which 785 books in Georgian, English, French, Italian, Spanish and Russian were purchased; amongst others novels, poems, adventure literary plays, encyclopedias, as well as foreign language, religious, historical, scientific, legal and culinary literature
Achieved results:
- Within the framework of the program, a library was established, which contains a variety of interesting literature. The library includes fiction, scientific and household literature, as well as periodicals
- By the time the project was completed, the library had 71 permanent members
- A discussion club was formed, which periodically arranges events on pre-selected books
- Public discussion of book and magazine articles with readers
- The library is periodically replenished and systematized
- Books are currently donated and publications prepared by various local, international and governmental organizations
Name: It Works
Implementation period: 03.2014 – 03.2016
Implementation area: Kutaisi
Donors /Partners: European Union (EU)
Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 25,347 GEL
Objective: Establish effective cooperation between the population of Kutaisi and local governmental bodies, including open dialogue and active involvement of population groups in the decision-making process and budget planning at the local level
Target group(s): Residents of the Kutaisi Municipality, local government, civil society
Beneficiaries: Residents of the Kutaisi Municipality
Conducted activities:
- Six forums were held
- 517 persons participated in budget planning
Achieved results:
- Close and effective relations have been established between the local government and the population; the involvement of citizens in the budgeting and decision-making process has increased
- As a result of the active involvement of the population in the budgeting process, various regulations were imposed in the field of cleaning, transportation and road construction in the city
Name: A HIV/AIDS, alcohol, drug and tobacco free, healthy future generation
Implementation period: 08.2014 – 07.2015
Implementation area: Imereti region
Donors /Partners:
- Embassy of the United States in Georgia
- United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Overall budget:
Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 23,954 $
Objective: Promoting and raising awareness about a healthy lifestyle among young people
Target group(s): Young people
Beneficiaries: Young people
Conducted activities:
- 307 young people underwent training seminars on AIDS, and the effects of alcohol, drugs and tobacco
- 1,697 persons participated in educational information campaigns organized to promote a healthy lifestyle
- International Days of AIDS, Heart, Allergy, Diabetes, and Cancer were celebrated with the participation of 251 young people
- Discussions on healthy living were held with the participation of 41 people
Achieved results:
Hundreds of young people were informed about the harms of AIDS, alcohol, drugs and tobacco
Name: Personalized Assistance for Georgian Migrants (G-PAM)
Implementation period: 08.2013 – 04.2015
Implementation area: Imereti region
Donors /Partners:
- European Union (EU)
- Civil Development Agency (CiDA)
Overall budget:
Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 15,040 €
Objective: Protecting the rights of Georgian migrants and promoting legal migration to Turkey and Greece
Target group(s): Georgian emigrants
Beneficiaries: Georgian citizens temporarily or permanently migrating to Turkey or Greece and their family members
Conducted activities:
- 44 persons were registered in the database of persons interested in migration issues
- 40 persons were consulted on reintegration and legal employment issues
- The information campaign “Woman and Migration” was run in Kutaisi and various Imereti villages; 270 people participated amongst others in film screenings and film-related discussions
Achieved results: Within the project, legal aid and consultations on various topics were provided to the beneficiaries; therefore, consultation corners have been set up in various villages. If necessary, consultants referred beneficiaries to relevant structures for further assistance
Name: Advancing National Integration (ANI)
Implementation period: 09.2011 – 02.2015
Implementation area: Imereti region
Donors /Partners:
- United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
- United Nations Association of Georgia (UNAG)]
Overall budget:
Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 32,545 $
Objective: Promoting the establishment of democracy and liberal values by raising civic awareness among young people
Target group(s): Young people aged 16 to 21; private, civil and governmental sectors
Beneficiaries: Young people in Kutaisi and the surrounding areas
Conducted activities:
- 29 trainings were held on tolerance, project writing and management, volunteering, advocacy, human rights, healthy lifestyle, professional orientation, debate techniques, public speaking, media relations, women’s rights, and gender stereotypes
- 42 trainings of Peer Education were held for Kutaisi, Tkibuli and Tskaltubo Public School Students
- 32 discussion club meetings were arranged
- 17 study visits to governmental, non-governmental and business organizations were organized
- 29 Information Campaigns on International Days Announced by the United Nations were implemented
- 35 charity and eco actions were carried out
- Seven twinning programs in cooperation with Telavi, Amrneuli, Dmanisi youth centers were implemented
- Two model UN Conferences were held
- Free computer courses for elderly were organized
- 16 young people participated in the project’s volunteer exchange program
- 14 active members took part in the projects’ summer school in Bakuriani
Achieved results:
- Establishment of the Kutaisi Youth Center
- 904 young people were trained in tolerance, project writing and management, civic interests and human rights, media relations, women’s rights and gender stereotypes, which had a significant impact on the development of civic awareness and democratic values
Name: The Right to Health
Implementation period: 2014
Implementation area: Gori, Kutaisi, Batumi, Dusheti
Donors /Partners:
- East-West Management Institute (EWMI)
- Society “Biliki”
Objective: Promoting the interests of people with disabilities in the process of improving the universal health care program
Target group(s): Persons with disability, Government of Georgia
Beneficiaries: Persons with disabilities benefiting from the state program of universal health care
Conducted activities:
- A survey was conducted to evaluate the state’s universal health care program
- 370 citizens were interviewed throughout Kutaisi
- A focus group meeting was held with 15 medical workers
Achieved results:
A guide has been developed for the beneficiaries of the state program of universal health care; it significantly increased the beneficiaries’ level of information about the program and their ability to demand their rights
Name: Volunteer Network (G-PAC)
Implementation period: 2014
Implementation area: Imereti region
Donors /Partners: East-West Management Institute (EWMI)
Objective(s): Increase the level of youth involvement in public life through the development of a culture of volunteering and practice
Target group: Young people residing in Kutaisi and Imereti region, CSOs
Beneficiaries: Kutaisi residents
Conducted activities:
- Setup of a volunteer database with 573 registrations
- Involvement of 17 young people in volunteer programs
- Focus group meetings on ‘How organizations use volunteer resources were held with representatives of 20 organizations operating in Kutaisi
Achieved results: Increased awareness about volunteering among young people. A database of volunteers was created, which enabled young people interested in volunteering to engage in respective activities
Name: Applied Civic Education and Teacher Training Program (ACETT)
Implementation period: 2010-2014
Implementation area: Imereti region
Donors /Partners:
- United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
- PH International
- Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia
Overall budget:
Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 11,603 $
Objective: Improve the quality and scope of civic education at schools and encourage youth participation in Georgia’s democratic processes
Target group(s): Local government of Imereti region
Beneficiaries: Principals of 125 public schools, civic education teachers, 9th– to-11th-grade students
Conducted activities:
- Civic clubs were established in 125 schools
- 3,125 students participated in civic club activities
- 1,296 students and teachers were involved in solving local community problems
- 2,040 students participated in 68 study visits
- 83 micro grant projects were implemented
- 43 social media trainings were conducted with the participation of students and teachers.
- 64 active blogs were created
- 72 videos were made on healthy lifestyle, human rights, violence and environment protection
- 39 peer trainings were conducted about social media
Achieved results:
- The civic clubs established within the project are still active today and play an important role in involving school children in public life
- Under the auspices of the project, a project-writing and management manual was published, which is an important guide for the civic club members
- The project has made a significant contribution to improving the quality of civic education in Georgian schools and has facilitated the application of acquired knowledge in practice
Name: Youth Forum
Implementation period: 2013
Implementation area: Imereti region
Donors /Partners:
- United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
- United Nations Association of Georgia (UNAG)
Objective: Identifying local needs by pupils and students, looking for ways to solve problems in collaboration with decision-makers
Target group(s): Local governments, schoolchildren, teachers
Beneficiaries: local community members, schoolchildren
Conducted activities:
- Three youth forums were held
- 26 projects were implemented
- Various events and activities were organized with the involvement of students and pupils
- In collaboration with the administration of the Akaki Tsereteli University, members of local Civic Clubs and students jointly launched an anti-tobacco campaign in which up to 100 pupils and students participated
- In cooperation with the regional patrol police, a run was organized in which 70 students from 10 public schools of Samtredia participated
- The editor of the newspaper “Tskaltubo” conducted master classes on journalism and writing for the civic clubs of Tskaltubo’s public schools
Achieved results:
- As a result of cooperation between civic clubs of Chiatura public schools and local authorities, a civic club square was installed, where club events are held
- The Next Generation Literacy Development Fund, owned by the newspaper P.S., donated 150 books worth GEL 1,029 to the public school library of the village Orpiri, Tkibuli Municipality
Name: Youth Initiatives
Implementation period: 2013
Implementation area: Kutaisi
Donors /Partners: Levan Mikeladze Foundation
Overall budget:
The part of the budget assigned to EDEC:
Objective: Strengthen advocacy skills among students and increase involvement in democratic processes
Target group(s): students residing in Kutaisi, civil society
Beneficiaries: local community members, schoolchildren
Conducted activities:
- Up to 50 students underwent vocational training, they also attended lectures at various higher education institutions and met people with successful careers
- 72 students underwent training on fundraising, project proposal development, monitoring and evaluation
- A small grant competition to fund two initiatives was announced for the project beneficiaries
Name: Equipping Youth to be Aware, Raise their voice, and Take action, A.R.T
Implementation period: 05.2012 – 09.2013
Implementation area: Baghdati municipality (Imereti)
Donors /Partners: World Vision Georgia
Overall budget:
Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: $45,700
Objective: Increase the involvement of young people in the community decision-making process; advocating for community needs and interests
Target group(s): Young people aged 14 to 25, local government
Beneficiaries: Residents of eight communities of Baghdati Municipality, especially young people
Conducted activities:
- Young people aged 14 to 25 from eight communities of Baghdad participated in trainings on civic involvement and advocacy
- A youth council was set up with 28 students
- Nine study visits for a total of 80 participants were organized to the House of Justice, the Revenue Service, the Service Agency, the Historical-Ethnographic Museum, Radio “Old Town”
- 32 events were held with the participation of 841 students
- A large-scale charity event was organized, where products of daily consumption and clothes were collected in the community for socially vulnerable families
- A large-scale universal clean-up action was organized with the participation of 250 volunteers. The central squares of Baghdati municipality and villages were cleaned
- A planting action was organized with the participation of 80 volunteers. 100 deciduous and coniferous trees were planted in the central districts of three communities of the Baghdati Municipality
Name: Strong Civil Society – Path to European Integration
Implementation period: 10.2012 – 08.2013
Implementation area: Kutaisi, Zugdidi, Ozurgeti, Batumi
Donors /Partners: Open Society Georgia Foundation
Overall budget:
Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 14,954 $
Objective: Increasing the involvement of regional organizations in the work of the European Platform in Georgia and raising public awareness about European institutions
Target group(s): Civil society, regional organizations
Beneficiaries: Civil society, regional organizations
Conducted activities:
- Meetings were held on Georgia’s European integration
- Respective TV and radio programs were prepared
- A competition was held for media representatives
- An information brochure was published about the work of the European Platform in Georgia and the procedures for its membership
Achieved results:
The project included discussions and training sessions with representatives of civil society organizations, as well as TV and radio programs, which significantly contributed to the dissemination of information on European institutions and the European integration process at the regional level, and which raised public awareness
Name: Civic Education to Prevent of Trafficking
Implementation period: 02.2012 – 04.2012
Implementation area: Imereti region
Donors /Partners: Ministry of Justice of Georgia
Overall budget: 4,985 GEL
Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 4,985 GEL
Objective: Support the Government of Georgia to raise public awareness on the risks of illegal migration and the prevention of trafficking
Target group(s): Population aged 15 to 60, local government, media sector
Beneficiaries: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th grade students, teachers and parents of Imereti Public Schools, high school students, communities of target regions / cities (Imereti)
Conducted activities:
- A database of information reference materials was created
- Four different types of competitions were held, during which the best video clip, essay, blog and photo work were revealed
- 27 information meetings on anti-trafficking were held
- 1,000 booklets and 100 posters were prepared and published and distributed to public schools, local self-government bodies, non-governmental organizations and various public institutions
Achieved results: As a result of the project, 942 people raised awareness about the risks of illegal migration and prevention of trafficking directly through information meetings, while hundreds of others raised awareness through the help of printed information materials
Name: Training Programs for Repatriated Meskhetian Turks
Implementation period: 11.2011–04.2012
Implementation area: Villages Ianeti (Imereti) and Nasakirali (Guria)
Donors /Partners: Action Against Hunger-Spain
Overall budget: 5,906 ₾
Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 5,906 ₾
Objective: Promoting civic advocacy skills among young people and raising awareness of women’s groups on reproductive health, domestic violence, trafficking, raising children
Target group(s): Deported Meskhetian Turks and their descendants
Beneficiaries: 63 young people aged 13 to 25 (37 girls and women)
Conducted activities:
- Trainings on human / child rights, gender stereotypes, healthy lifestyle, leadership and active citizenship were conducted for 63 young people aged 13 to 25 years
- Trainings on reproductive health, sexually transmitted diseases, child growth and health, domestic violence, trafficking and gender equality
Achieved results:
The implemented training programs significantly increased the level of awareness for general civil issues, women’s rights and needs in the target groups
Name: Youth Civic Education and Community Engagement Project
Implementation period: 11.2010 – 06.2011
Implementation area: Georgia and Romania – EDEC: Kutaisi
Donors /Partners: World Vision Georgia, World Vision Romania, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Overall budget:
Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 6,225 $
Objective: Improving the level of government accountability among citizens of Georgia and Romania by raising civic awareness and encouraging community engagement of public-school students
Target group(s): Kutaisi’s public schools, schoolchildren
Beneficiaries: 220 students from public schools in Kutaisi
Conducted activities:
- The 220 beneficiaries of the project received training on human rights issues using the CitizenVoice & Action (CV&A) methodology.
- Establishment of two local youth councils
- 20 members of the youth councils took part in the civic education summer camp organized in Bakuriani
- The heads of the youth councils traveled to Romania and learned about their peers’ experience in volunteering, advocacy campaigns and community projects, met with representatives of the Romanian Ministry of Education and various non-governmental organizations
Achieved results: Two youth councils have been established, which can use the facilities of Kutaisi Public School No. 17 and the Education Development and Employment Center. Their activities will help to improve the standard of effective cooperation and accountability between citizens and local authorities
Name: Youth for Building Better Governance
Implementation period: 04.2010 – 05.2011
Implementation area: Kutaisi
Donors /Partners: Open Society Georgia Foundation
Total project budget: 17,749 $
Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 17,749 $
Objective(s): Improving the knowledge and skills of young people about their rights and active citizenship; introducing a sustainable model based on active youth cooperation, which ensures continuous study of youth needs at the regional level; accordingly, development of youth policies and monitoring of their implementation
Target group(s): Young people, high school students, NGO and media representatives, local government officials, etc.
Beneficiaries: Young people in Kutaisi
Conducted activities:
- 50 young Kutaisians received training on human rights, active citizenship, protection of civic interests, coalition building, volunteering, project writing and management, as well as fundraising
- A directory of non-governmental organizations working in western Georgia was published
Achieved results: A council of 50 trained young people was formed, which has a consultancy / recommendation purpose for local governmental and non-governmental organizations working on youth issues. The Council will actively work to identify youth needs, develop appropriate youth policies and monitor its implementation
Name: Youth Integration Program
Implementation period: 03.2010 – 12.2010
Implementation area: Kutaisi
Donors /Partners: Center for Training and Consultancy (CTC)
Overall budget:
Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 3,500 GEL
Objective: Offering and introducing key competency development courses for young people aged 15-24 left out of formal education
Target group(s): Unemployed young people aged 15 to 24 with and without secondary education
Beneficiaries: 60 unemployed young people aged 15 to 24 without formal education
Conducted activities:
- Trainers were trained in personal development issues
- Pilot courses were conducted for young people aged 15 to 24
- Trainings on personal development and career planning were held
Achieved results: A trainer’s manual was published which allows anyone interested to organize such trainings independently
Name: Community Forum for Civil Engagement
Implementation period: 2010
Implementation area: Kutaisi
Donors /Partners: Latvia-Georgia Cooperation Fund
Overall budget:
The part of the budget assigned to EDEC:
Objective(s): Strengthening Kutaisi’s local civil society through individual initiatives, sharing responsibilities, and developing organizational skills
Target group(s): Civil society
Beneficiaries: Community living in Kutaisi
Conducted activities:
- A forum organizing committee was set up
- Meetings were held with stakeholders and in cooperation with them, priority areas for the city were identified, around which various groups of the community worked later
- In response to the problems identified by the working groups, conclusions, recommendations, project proposals were prepared and their implementation was planned
- Cleaning activities were held in the area around the river Ogaskura and Bukhaidze Street
- Employment-oriented educational training courses for young people were conducted
- A business incubator has been set up to support the development of local production
Achieved results: In response to the problems identified by the working groups, conclusions, recommendations, project proposals were prepared and their implementation was planned
Name: Protection and Implementation of Socio-economic Rights of Young People
Implementation period: 06.2009 – 01.2010
Implementation area: Imereti and Kakheti regions
Donors /Partners: Open Society Georgia Foundation, Telavi Education Development and Employment Center (TEDEC)
Overall budget:
Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 6,786 $
Objective: Research on the intermediate outcomes of the Georgian child welfare reform; process of the outcomes; preparation of conclusions; and promotion of effective state policy development. Establishment of an initiative group to initiate a change within the advocacy process.
Target group(s): Adopted children, young people from foster care, foster children and their caretakers, social workers
Conducted activities:
- An initiative group was formed; a series of training were held for the members on research, advocacy and also lobbying
- The Georgian child welfare reform was monitored and recommendations were made on identified deficiencies
- A study of small family-type houses was conducted to see how successful the new system of standards, developed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, was implemented
- Research on the adoption program was conducted, and problematic issues were identified; accordingly conclusions and recommendations were prepared
Achieved results: The project carried out detailed monitoring of the reform and in-depth study of the developed programs, on the basis of which recommendations and conclusions were prepared. The recommendations prepared for the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia will contribute to the proper conduct and effective development of state policy. An initiative group has also been set up within the project to advocate the initiation of relevant positive and effective changes at the state level
Name: Better Chances for Georgian Youth
Implementation period: 01.2008-09.2009
Implementation area: Kutaisi
Donors /Partners:
- World Vision Georgia
- Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC)
Overall budget: 140,000 €
Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 16,434 €
Objective: Support the Government of Georgia in defeating trafficking in order to create better opportunities for young people
Target group(s): young people between 14 and 25 years
Beneficiaries: vulnerable young people aged 14-25, students and schoolchildren, returned international and domestic migrants
Conducted activities:
- Establishment of a center to improve the economic potential of young people, reduce the risk of trafficking, and facilitate the reintegration of returned migrants
- Awareness-raising campaigns and related activities
- A competition for local journalists to reveal the best article and story about trafficking / migration, in which Marika Vacharadze, the newspaper P.S. journalist and Irma Choladze, TV Rioni correspondent won
Achieved results: A Coordinating Council on Migration, Trafficking and Violence has been established to work actively on the abovementioned issues
Name: Partnership for Youth Development and Inclusion
Implementation period: 05.2008 – 09.2009
Implementation area: Kutaisi
Donors /Partners: The World Bank in Georgia
Overall budget:
Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 6,914 $
Objective: Improving the coordination and information exchange system between different sectors working on youth issues throughout Kutaisi. Increase the capacity of youth NGOs working in Kutaisi in advocacy, lobbying and active campaigning
Target group(s): 20 members of local youth NGOs, 14 to 25-year old in Kutaisi
Beneficiaries: 20 members of local youth NGOs, 14 to 25-year old in Kutaisi
Conducted activities:
- Research on the capabilities of youth NGOs in Kutaisi; as a result, ten organizations memoranda of cooperation aiming for cooperation during the project implementation, for its continuity and sustainability were signed
- Representatives of the partner NGOs received two weeks of training in advocacy and lobbying
- An information bulletin was published to raise public awareness about youth problems and other issues
- Research and focus group meetings on the fields of tourism, education and social sciences were conducted; based on them research on the challenges and development prospects related to tourism was prepared
- An open day on tourism was organized to show people the recent changes in the field.
- Specific recommendations were provided to relevant local government services and other project stakeholders
Achieved results: The project established a Coordination Council with the participation of local and international NGOs, government agencies, the business sector and the media, in order to improve the cooperation of actors working on youth issues throughout Kutaisi
Name: Arts and Crafts (A&C)
Implementation period: 2008
Implementation area: Kutaisi
Donors /Partners:
- World Vision Germany
- Bank Republic (Societe Generale Group)
Overall budget:
Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 850,00 GEL
Objective: Supporting socially vulnerable talented young people, developing / realizing their abilities and skills
Target group(s): Socially vulnerable youth, private sector, education sector
Beneficiaries: Socially vulnerable youth, private sector, education sector
Conducted activities:
- In July 2008, a large-scale exhibition was held with the participation of graduates of the Applied Arts Centers; the latter introduced their works to a significant number of people
- In September and in October 2009, with support of Bank Republic, “The Exhibition and Sale of Art Works by Talented Young People” was implemented
- Art events were organized at Bank Republic’s office in Kutaisi and the head office in Tbilisi
Achieved results:
- The Center for Applied Arts was established in Kutaisi; 21 young individuals joined the center
- Through a 10-month course, these young people mastered to craft with batik, felt, tapestry, clay and enamel
- 51 young people, mostly from socially vulnerable families, participated in the Bank Republic component of the project