Applied Civic Education and Teacher Training Program (ACETT)

Name: Applied Civic Education and Teacher Training Program (ACETT)

Implementation period: 2010-2014

Implementation area: Imereti region

 Donors /Partners:

  1. United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
  2. PH International
  3. Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia


Overall budget:

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC:  11,603 $

Objective: Improve the quality and scope of civic education at schools and encourage youth participation in Georgia’s democratic processes

Target group(s): Local government of Imereti region

Beneficiaries: Principals of 125 public schools, civic education teachers, 9th– to-11th-grade students

Conducted activities:

  1. Civic clubs were established in 125 schools
  2. 3,125 students participated in civic club activities
  3. 1,296 students and teachers were involved in solving local community problems
  4. 2,040 students participated in 68 study visits
  5. 83 micro grant projects were implemented
  6. 43 social media trainings were conducted with the participation of students and teachers.
  7. 64 active blogs were created
  8. 72 videos were made on healthy lifestyle, human rights, violence and environment protection
  9. 39 peer trainings were conducted about social media


Achieved results:

  1. The civic clubs established within the project are still active today and play an important role in involving school children in public life
  2. Under the auspices of the project, a project-writing and management manual was published, which is an important guide for the civic club members
  3. The project has made a significant contribution to improving the quality of civic education in Georgian schools and has facilitated the application of acquired knowledge in practice

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