Capacity Building of Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises in Poti

Name: Capacity Building of Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises in Poti

Implementation period: 11.2022 – 04.2023

Implementation area: Poti, Georgia


  1. USAID Economic Security Program
  2. APM Terminals Poti


Total budget: 24,000 GEL

Part of The budget assigned to EDEC:  24,000 GEL

Objective: To develop long-term business planning and vision skills for representatives of micro, small, and medium enterprises living in Poti, to equip them with basic knowledge and necessary skills for the development of business activities

Target groups: Micro, small, and medium-sized entrepreneurs

Beneficiaries: Micro, small, and medium-sized entrepreneurs

Conducted Activities:

  1. 40 entrepreneurs underwent a 44-hour group training on “Business Growth and Development” and developed skills in entrepreneurial visioning, business strategy formulation, resource mobilization, and digital marketing management
  2. Invited specialists and experts provided individual consultations to entrepreneurs on the issues of drawing up a business plan, managing business pages and correctly positioning the business in social networks


Achieved results: As a result of individual consultations and trainings, 40 entrepreneurs developed proper business management techniques and acquired the necessary skills for business activities

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