Civic Education to prevent of trafficking

Name: Civic Education to Prevent of Trafficking

Implementation period: 02.2012 – 04.2012

Implementation area: Imereti region

 Donors /Partners: Ministry of Justice of Georgia

Overall budget: 4,985 GEL

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 4,985 GEL

Objective: Support the Government of Georgia to raise public awareness on the risks of illegal migration and the prevention of trafficking

Target group(s): Population aged 15 to 60, local government, media sector

Beneficiaries: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th grade students, teachers and parents of Imereti Public Schools, high school students, communities of target regions / cities (Imereti)

Conducted activities:

  1. A database of information reference materials was created
  2. Four different types of competitions were held, during which the best video clip, essay, blog and photo work were revealed
  3. 27 information meetings on anti-trafficking were held
  4. 1,000 booklets and 100 posters were prepared and published and distributed to public schools, local self-government bodies, non-governmental organizations and various public institutions


Achieved results:  As a result of the project, 942 people raised awareness about the risks of illegal migration and prevention of trafficking directly through information meetings, while hundreds of others raised awareness through the help of printed information materials

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