Civil Society STAR Initiative: CSOs as Sustainable, Transparent, Accountable and Resilient Development Actors in Georgia

Name: Civil Society STAR Initiative: CSOs as Sustainable, Transparent, Accountable and Resilient Development Actors in Georgia

Implementation period: 01.2021 – 01.2025

Implementation area: Georgia

 Donors /Partners: 

  1. European Union (EU)
  2. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS)
  3. Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia (CSRDG)
  4. Civil Society Institute (CSI)
  5. Center for Training and Consultancy (CTC)
  6. Institute for European Politics (IEP)


Overall Budget: 6,000.000 €

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC:  355,050 €

Objective(s): Strengthen civil society as an independent, sustainable, transparent, and accountable development actor across Georgia. 

Target group(s): Civil society, CSOs, regional hubs, youth councils

Beneficiaries: Civil society, CSOs, youth

Planned activities:

  1. Draw up the policy paper on volunteerism
  2. Arrangement of regional workshops and an advocacy campaign
  3. Development and administration of Web-platform for volunteerism
  4. E-learning creation and facilitation of volunteerism
  5. Arrangement of youth camps
  6. Organization of regional volunteering fairs
  7. Issuing small grants for volunteering initiatives
  8. Establishment and training of youth councils
  9. Issuing grants for youth advocacy initiatives

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