Community Forum for Civil Engagement

Name: Community Forum for Civil Engagement

Implementation period: 2010

Implementation area: Kutaisi

Donors /Partners: Latvia-Georgia Cooperation Fund

Overall budget:

The part of the budget assigned to EDEC:

Objective(s): Strengthening Kutaisi’s local civil society through individual initiatives, sharing responsibilities, and developing organizational skills

Target group(s): Civil society

Beneficiaries: Community living in Kutaisi

Conducted activities:

  1. A forum organizing committee was set up
  2. Meetings were held with stakeholders and in cooperation with them, priority areas for the city were identified, around which various groups of the community worked later
  3. In response to the problems identified by the working groups, conclusions, recommendations, project proposals were prepared and their implementation was planned
  4. Cleaning activities were held in the area around the river Ogaskura and Bukhaidze Street
  5. Employment-oriented educational training courses for young people were conducted
  6. A business incubator has been set up to support the development of local production


Achieved results: In response to the problems identified by the working groups, conclusions, recommendations, project proposals were prepared and their implementation was planned

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