ESCape – Employment, Support, Counselling to Meet Labour Market Needs

Name: ESCape – Employment, Support, Counselling to Meet Labour Market Needs

Implementation period: 11.2020 – 11.2023

Implementation area: Imereti region

Donors /Partners:

  1. European Union (EU)
  2. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES)
  3. Democracy Development Agency (DDA)
  4. State Employment Support Agency (SESA)

Overall Budget: € 1,250,000

The part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 497,976.89 GEL

Objective: to tackle the existing gaps in the field of employment services by improving the quality and sustainability of job placement and career counseling for job seekers.

Target group(s): CSOs, SESA, Employment Support Centers (ESCs)

Beneficiaries: disadvantaged groups, job seekers

Planned activities:
1. improve the quality of employment services through the exchange of international experiences and increased institutional capacities of the SESA;
2. implement a new model of intensive and individualized coaching in cooperation with DDA;
3. provide career counselling for unemployed and jobseekers in the target regions through ESCs;
4. improve skills development and competences of unemployed disadvantaged individuals;
5. work on key competence trainings for “hard to employ” individuals in the framework of a Public-Private-Partnership with SESA.

Expected results:
1. Relevant skills-matching services will be made more accessible and effective, especially career guidance, counselling and job intermediation.
2. Thanks to the new innovative coaching model relevant lifelong learning skills will be made more accessible in the target regions.
3. At 2.700 disadvantaged individuals received intensive coaching and improved their chances on the labor marke

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