Georgian Civil Society Sustainability Initiative (CSSIGE)

Name: Georgian Civil Society Sustainability Initiative (CSSIGE)

Implementation period: 01.2017 – 12.2020

Implementation area: Georgia

Donors /Partners: 

  1. European Union (EU)
  2. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS)
  3. Civil Society Institute (CSI)
  4. Center for Training and Consultancy (CTC)
  5. Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia (CSRDG)


Overall budget: 5,070.000 €

The part of the budget assigned to EDEC:

Objective: Enhance the sustainability of the civil society in Georgia with an improved operational environment, empowered CSOs, increased accountability of CSOs to their constituencies, as well as amplified linkages to other actors, and thereby contributing to policy dialogue and development

Target group(s): Population of Georgia, youth, civil society, private and public sectors.

Beneficiaries: Civil society

Conducted activities:  

  1. 21 regional forums were held throughout Georgia, with 2778 individuals and 451 organizations participating
  2. As a result of these forums, 289 individuals expressed interest in volunteering with the participating organizations


Achieved results:

During the lifetime of the project, over 110 activities were implemented and over 80 sub-grants were awarded in order to engage more than 2,000 civil society actors across the country

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