Partnership for Youth Development and Inclusion

Name: Partnership for Youth Development and Inclusion

Implementation period: 05.2008 – 09.2009

Implementation area: Kutaisi

Donors /Partners: The World Bank in Georgia

Overall budget:

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 6,914 $

Objective: Improving the coordination and information exchange system between different sectors working on youth issues throughout Kutaisi. Increase the capacity of youth NGOs working in Kutaisi in advocacy, lobbying and active campaigning

Target group(s): 20 members of local youth NGOs, 14 to 25-year old in Kutaisi

Beneficiaries: 20 members of local youth NGOs, 14 to 25-year old in Kutaisi

Conducted activities:

  1. Research on the capabilities of youth NGOs in Kutaisi; as a result, ten organizations memoranda of cooperation aiming for cooperation during the project implementation, for its continuity and sustainability were signed
  2. Representatives of the partner NGOs received two weeks of training in advocacy and lobbying
  3. An information bulletin was published to raise public awareness about youth problems and other issues
  4. Research and focus group meetings on the fields of tourism, education and social sciences were conducted; based on them research on the challenges and development prospects related to tourism was prepared
  5. An open day on tourism was organized to show people the recent changes in the field.
  6. Specific recommendations were provided to relevant local government services and other project stakeholders


Achieved results:  The project established a Coordination Council with the participation of local and international NGOs, government agencies, the business sector and the media, in order to improve the cooperation of actors working on youth issues throughout Kutaisi

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