Promoting Vocational Education and Employment among People with Disabilities based on their Individual Skills

Name: Promoting Vocational Education and Employment among People with Disabilities based on their Individual Skills

Implementation period: 05.2018 – 12.2018

Implementation area: Kutaisi

Donors /Partners: Kutaisi City Hall

Overall Budget: 16,000 GEL

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 16,000 GEL

Objective: Promoting vocational education, employment and socio-economic integration of persons with disability

Target group(s): Job seekers with disabilities

Beneficiaries: Job seekers with disabilities who do not have access to state vocational education programs

Conducted activities:

  1. Update of database of people with disabilities
  2. Update of database of representatives of public and private school administrations and persons responsible for inclusive education (special teachers, psychologists, inclusive education coordinators)
  3. Informing organizations working on the issues of persons with disabilities, public and vocational schools, vocational and higher education institutions, persons with disabilities, and other stakeholders about the project
  4. Individual assessment, testing and interviews of project beneficiaries


Achieved results:

  1. 30 persons with disabilities underwent vocational training and individual consultations
  2. Vocational training program was implemented in four pre-selected professions (cook, hotel specialist, stylist, manicure specialist)
  3. Seven persons with disabilities were referred to the Vocational College “Iberia”
  4. Six beneficiaries participated in the paid internship program of the LEPL Social Service Agency under the control of the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia;
  5. Four beneficiaries were employed

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