Promoting vocational training and fostering employment opportunities for people with disabilities

Name: Promoting vocational training and fostering employment opportunities for people with disabilities

Implementation period: 01.04.2019 – 31.12.2019

Implementation area: Batumi


Donors/Partners: Employment Agency of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara 

Overall Budget: 18,000 GEL

The part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 18,000 GEL

Objective: Promoting the employment of disabled individuals living in the Autonomous Republic of Adjara by providing a professional training course tailored to their development and individual skills

 Target group(s): People with disabilities, private sector, local authorities

Beneficiaries: persons with disabilities residing in the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara


Conducted activities:

1. The skills of 16 individuals, both labor and professional, were assessed

2. 16 companies operating in the regional labor market were interviewed

3. The professions of the beneficiaries of the sub-program were determined, and education and career development plans were created

4. 8 individuals completed a 200-hour theoretical and practical course, along with a 120-hour subsidized internship in professional skills

5. The subprogram was subjected to analytical evaluation



Achieved results:

1. 8 people with disabilities completed a 200-hour vocational training course and mastered various professions including confectioner, nail service specialist, massage rehabilitator, theater puppetry, props modeling, tailoring, and office work specialist

2. After completing the course, the beneficiaries participated in a 120-hour work-related internship program at the social enterprise “Man in Action” and at the Hilton Hotel, public college “New Wave“, furniture company “Avangardi” LLC, social enterprise “Man in Action”, Batumi City Hall was carried out

3. 6 people were hired for permanent positions


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