Protection and Implementation of Socio-economic Rights of Young People

Name: Protection and Implementation of Socio-economic Rights of Young People

Implementation period: 06.2009 – 01.2010

Implementation area: Imereti and Kakheti regions

 Donors /Partners: Open Society Georgia Foundation, Telavi Education Development and Employment Center (TEDEC)

Overall budget:

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 6,786 $

Objective: Research on the intermediate outcomes of the Georgian child welfare reform; process of the outcomes; preparation of conclusions; and promotion of effective state policy development. Establishment of an initiative group to initiate a change within the advocacy process.

Target group(s): Adopted children, young people from foster care, foster children and their caretakers, social workers


Conducted activities:

  1. An initiative group was formed; a series of training were held for the members on research, advocacy and also lobbying
  2. The Georgian child welfare reform was monitored and recommendations were made on identified deficiencies
  3. A study of small family-type houses was conducted to see how successful the new system of standards, developed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, was implemented
  4. Research on the adoption program was conducted, and problematic issues were identified; accordingly conclusions and recommendations were prepared


Achieved results: The project carried out detailed monitoring of the reform and in-depth study of the developed programs, on the basis of which recommendations and conclusions were prepared. The recommendations prepared for the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia will contribute to the proper conduct and effective development of state policy. An initiative group has also been set up within the project to advocate the initiation of relevant positive and effective changes at the state level

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