Name: Purchase of therapy material
Implementation period: 01.05.2022 – 31.12.2022
Implementation area: Kutaisi, Samtredia, Terjola (all Imereti), Saguramo (Mtskheta-Mtianeti), Zugdidi (Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti)
Donors / Partners: Bread for the World (BfdW); in cooperation with EDEC’s social service spin-off Habitat for Equality, Achievements and Development (HEAD)
Overal budget: € 7,500
Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: € 7,500
Objective: Equipment of EDEC’s four day care centres (DCCs) and three speech therapy units with new toys and material for the better development of beneficiaries’ cognitive, emotional, social, and physical skills
Target groups: Children and adults with disabilities and impediments in Georgia, EDEC’s therapy staff members
Beneficiaries: Children and adults with disabilities
Conducted activities:
Achieved results: Therapeutic material for the development of cognitive, emotional, social, and physical skills of children and adults with disabilities was purchased for Kutaisi, Terjola, Samtredia, Saguramo, and Zugdidi daycare centers
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