Supporting people with disabilities in Bagdati Municipality by renovating and equipping the Social Integration Center

Name:  Supporting people with disabilities in Bagdati Municipality by renovating and equipping the Social Integration Center

Implementation period: 10.06.2023 – 06.12.2023

Implementation area: Baghdati Municipality, village Dimi

Donors / Partners: Embassy of Poland; in cooperation with EDC’s social service spin-off Habitat for Equality, Achievements and Development (HEAD)

Overall budget: 20,000 €

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 20,000 

Objective: Equipping the kitchen of the Social Inclusion Center in Baghdati Municipality with modern and safe materials and equipment

Target Group(s): Adults with disabilities, beneficiaries’ guardians and other stakeholders

Beneficiaries: Adults with disabilities

Conducted activities:

  1. A tender notice was released for carrying out repair and construction works in compliance with the relevant standards
  2. Kitchen furniture and appliances have been installed in the kitchen area, which will serve to 30 individuals with disabilities
  3. The beneficiaries will participate in the food preparation process to acquire the necessary professional skills for a cook and engage in therapeutic work


Archieved results:

The kitchen of the new Social Inclusion Center in the village of Dimi, Baghdati Municipality is arranged and equipped according to modern standards to accommodate 30 disabled people

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