Youth for Building Better Governance

Name: Youth for Building Better Governance

Implementation period: 04.2010 – 05.2011

Implementation area: Kutaisi

Donors /Partners: Open Society Georgia Foundation

Total project budget: 17,749 $

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC:  17,749 $

Objective(s): Improving the knowledge and skills of young people about their rights and active citizenship; introducing a sustainable model based on active youth cooperation, which ensures continuous study of youth needs at the regional level; accordingly, development of youth policies and monitoring of their implementation

Target group(s): Young people, high school students, NGO and media representatives, local government officials, etc.

Beneficiaries: Young people in Kutaisi

Conducted activities:

  1. 50 young Kutaisians received training on human rights, active citizenship, protection of civic interests, coalition building, volunteering, project writing and management, as well as fundraising
  2. A directory of non-governmental organizations working in western Georgia was published


Achieved results: A council of 50 trained young people was formed, which has a consultancy / recommendation purpose for local governmental and non-governmental organizations working on youth issues. The Council will actively work to identify youth needs, develop appropriate youth policies and monitor its implementation

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