Registration for women’s empowerment training is announced in 10 regions of Georgia

The Education Development and Employment Center women with disabilities and women who have a child or a family attend the women’s empowerment training.

The training aims to encourage female groups to be initiators on the creation of services related to people with disabilities.

Participants will be introduced to services for people with disabilities provided by central and local authorities, the Human Rights Convention, the commitments undertaken by the government in regard to the implementation of the Conventionaction plans, opportunities to develop the new services, successful examples of the social and economic integration of persons with disabilities. 

►  Fill in the application form for registration: 

✎ The deadline for submitting a completed application form is October 23, 2018

✔ All costs related to participation in one-day training by the Education Development and Employment Center

Based on the application forms, 20-25 participants will be selected for each training. Our priority is to empower those who are interested in the participation in a grant competition with the focus on the development of services for persons with disabilities. The grant competition is announced under the same project.

The modules of the training are organized within the framework of the EU-funded project “Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities.” The project aims to protect and support the rights of persons with disabilities in order to ensure their social integration, based on the principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

The project is implemented by Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Georgia (ASB Georgia) in cooperation with its partner organizations “Education Development and Employment Center” (EDEC) and “Accessible Environment for Everyone (Ertad).”

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