Beneficiaries of the Terjola Day Care Center for Children with Disabilities “Sapovnela” joined the event “Let’s play together” held at the Tkibuli Sports Palace.
An Informational meeting about healthy lifestyle was held at Saguramo’s Day Care Center for Children and Persons with Disabilities “Ialoni.” Volunteers of the organization
Beneficiaries and teachers of the Day Care Center for People with Disabilities “Magic World” joined the celebrations of “Gviriloba” (Chamomile Day) and visited one
Beneficiaries of the Kutaisi, Terjola, Samtredia, and Saguramo Day Care Centers for Children and People with Disabilities visited fire stations. The beneficiaries of the
Students from the Tsereteli State University visited the daycare center in Kutaisi. The guests enjoyed their time with the beneficiaries of the daycare center
The beneficiaries of the Day Care Center for People with Disabilities “Ialoni” baked delicious potato pies with their own home-grown potatoes. Culinary Day is
Participants of the project Erasmus+ visited the daycare center for children with disabilities “Magic World” and the social enterprise “Peacock” in Kutaisi. A total