Tamar Ivanidze about social work in Georgia and the role of social workers

Tamar Ivanidze, chairperson of the organization “Initiative
for Social Changes,” talked to the specialists of EDEC’s Daycare Centers for
Children and Persons with Disabilities about the situation of social work in
Georgia, the role of the social worker, and interventions necessary to strive
for the better.

According to her, important elements of successful social
work are to act in line with human rights, social justice and principles of equality,
to develop sectoral competences and systematization, to support proportionality
and individualization of services, and to always ensure the protection of good
faith and professional ethics. In addition to theoretical basics, she also shared
her personal experiences with the participants and went through some simple
practical exercises.

Thanks to the mix of theory, practical application and personal
insights, the meeting was appealing and interactive for all participants.

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