There is barely a parent/caregiver who has not faced some difficulties with a child’s behavior – especially throughout the COVID-19 pandemic

There is barely a parent/caregiver who has not faced some
difficulties with a child’s behavior – especially throughout the COVID-19

Behavior like showing interest to learn something new is
not something that simply pops up and disappears. Human attitude and behavior
is driven by various factors; especially, when dealing with children we must
not only focus on the obvious actions but also have to consider the entire
setup and periods before and after an event to identify and understand those

Therefore, on the fifth online meeting organized as part of
the cooperation between the Education Development and Employment Center and I.
Tsitsishvili Children’s Psychological Service, parents of children with
disabilities and specialists of respective daycare centers learned about
behavioral management strategies.

Thanks to professional, detailed information and individual
recommendations, the meeting was very interesting and beneficial for the parents.

The Education Development and Employment Center would like
to thank the specialists of I. Tsitsishvili Children’s Psychological Service
for this long-term cooperation.

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