Ongoing Projects

Name: Master of my House Professional Qualification  

Implementation period: 01.04.2023 – 31.12.2025

Implementation Area: Georgia


1. German Ministry of Foreign Affairs (AA)
2. Initiative for Housing Associations in Eastern Europe (IWO e.V.)
3. Hanse Parlament e.V. in Hamburg, Germany
4. Charitable Humanitarian Center “Abkhazia” (CHCA)


Project Budget: 180,000.00

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 65,513.30

Objective:  To advance the country’s housing policy by introducing demand-driven new professional education programs and fostering collaboration across sectors 

Target group(s): Youth, representatives of vocational colleges, local governments, central government, homeowner associations and other interested parties

Beneficiaries: young people, representatives of vocational colleges, local governments, homeowner associations other interested persons


Expected Results:

1. A round table will be held to discuss the challenges and opportunities related to stakeholder engagement in the housing sector

2. The professional program for the technical manager of the building will include participation from representatives of the housing sector and development companies

3. The Hanse Parliament will share the German model of the electrician’s dual program for vocational schools and promote the implementation of a similar professional program in Georgia

4. 45 teachers from 3 colleges (“New Wave,” “Blacksea,” “Construct2”) will receive training to become trainers in the field of dual education

5. 45 enterprise mentors/instructors will undergo training to enhance their skills as enterprise instructors.

6. A total of 160 young individuals will undergo training and consultations using a professional qualification consultation tool

7. A study visit will be organized for representatives from vocational schools, the Chamber of Commerce, and civil society organizations to learn about the German dual/trial system and the concept of three-level Centers of Vocational Excellence

Name: Public Speaking & Debates

Implementation period: ongoing

Implementation area: Kutaisi


Target group(s): VII–XI grade students

Course duration: 4 months

Classes: twice a week (4 hours)

Course fee: 100 GEL per month

Objective: Students will learn public speaking techniques, develop analytical and quick thinking skills, including logical reasoning. Students will be able to put these skills into practice at school, higher education, and public life in general

Planned activities: During the course, competitions a debate tournament and “Orator” – and imitated trial are held, The best students are rewarded with prizes,
Participants are given the opportunity to engage in Georgian and/or English language debates

Expected results: After completing a course of public speaking and debate, students become more self-confident, easily gaining a place in society. It makes it easier to set priorities and pursue their own goals and aspirations. Their involvement in youth programs is high

Completed Projects


Name: Creation/editing of project preparation manual and preparation of electronic version

Implementation period: 16.11.2020–30.05.2021

Implementation area: Georgia



  1. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
  2. Project Harmony” – Georgia (PH International)


Total budget: 2,520.00 €

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 2,520.00 €

Objective:  To create, document and prepare an electronic version of the “Project Preparation Guide” within the framework of the “Future Generation” program funded by the USAID

Target group(s): secondary school students, teachers, and people interested in obtaining a grant

Beneficiaries: general education school students, teachers, and persons interested in obtaining a grant


Planned activities:

  1. Developing a working version of the manual for project writing and management
  2. Preparing the final version of the project writing and management manual, incorporating feedback from stakeholders to shape the future of the program
  3. Collaborating with the designer and developer to create the printed final version of the manual, including illustrations and graphic elements. Subsequently, submitting the final version after considering feedback from representatives of the “Future Generation” program


Achieved results:

A project writing and management manual was created

Name: Master of my House – Learning for the Future

Implementation period: 15.04.2022-31.12.2023

Implementation Area: Georgia


  1. German Ministry of Foreign Affairs (AA)
  2. Initiative for Housing Associations in Eastern Europe (IWO e.V.)
  3. Hanse Parlament e.V. in Hamburg, Germany
  4. Charitable Humanitarian Center “Abkhazia” (CHCA)


Project Budget:124,648.09 €

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 31,256 €

Objective: Implementation of the technical management specialist (housemaster) vocational  program in Georgia with the involvement of central and local government professional colleges, construction companies, non-governmental organizations. Sharing the German model and approaches to dual education  

Target group(s): youth, representatives of vocational colleges, construction companies, hotels, local governments, central government, housing associations and other interested parties

Beneficiaries: young people, representatives of vocational colleges, construction companies, hotels, local governments, homeowner associations other interested persons

Target group(s):  Local labor market research to identify the needs of vocational training programs in the housing sector

Conducted activities:

  1. The needs-based professional education program in the housing sector was developed
  2. A round table meetings were organized on the challenges in the housing sector with the involvement of stakeholders
  3. The capacity of the private sector operating in the housing sector was strengthened
  4. A recommendation document for the improvement of housing sector support was prepared
  5. A web-platform on building maintenance and home management issues was created
  6. Dual education system training program was prepared for teachers of vocational colleges and enterprise mentors
  7. Professional and career counseling tool was developed


Achieved results

  1. A labor market survey  was conducted to identify the need of vocational training programs in the housing sector
  2. The professional college “New Wave” training program “Maintenance and technical inspection works of the infrastructure in the building and the surrounding area” was granted the right to be implemented by the National Center for Education Quality
  3. With the support of Adjara A/R Employment Agency, 23 people participated in the 360-hour building maintenance specialist training program
  4. A 55-hour training program was prepared and delivered to professional colleges to strengthen the private sector’s capacity in dual education in the housing sector
  5. A training program on the dual education system and a career counseling tool were handed over to the colleges “New Wave”, “Construct2”, “Black Sea”
  6. Trainings, online meetings and individual consultations with the involvement of German experts were organized for representatives of professional colleges and enterprises
  7. 15 teachers and consultants from vocational colleges, trade-entrepreneurial chambers and enterprises received qualifications on the German dual education system
  8. The website of the Batumi Municipal Services Agency,, was updated for the purpose of remote participation in municipal programs and effective communication with municipalities
  9. Two round tables and a forum were organized with the target audience’s involvement on the topic of challenges in the housing sector and ways to solve them

Name: Professional Writing Skills in Georgian and English – a Fundamental Basic for Future Fundraising

Implementation period: 01.11.2021 – 30.09.2022

Implementation area: Kutaisi, Samtredia, Terjola (all Imereti), Batumi (Adjara), Gori (Shida-Kartli), Saguramo (Mtskheta-Mtianeti), Zugdidi (Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti)

Donors / Partners: Bread for the World (BfdW)

Project Budget: 10,000 € 

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC:  10,000 € 

Objective: Improvement of the professional writing skills in Georgian and English of EDEC’s staff members

Target groups: EDEC staff members countrywide

Beneficiaries: EDEC staff members countrywide  

Conducted activities:

  1. Sixty employees of the organization attended an online training conducted by Georgian experts and linguists.
  2. A well-known Dutch training provider, MDF, delivered professional writing online training in English to ten employees of the organization.


Achieved results:

  1. The organization successfully conducted professional writing online trainings in Georgian and English to improve the skills of the employees. The training sessions helped 60 employees to enhance their professional writing abilities and become better at their jobs.

Name: Master of my House – Capacity 2 Confidence Building

Implementation period: 01.07.2021 – 31.12.2022 

Implementation area: Georgia

 Donors /Partners:

  1. Federal Foreign Office of Germany (AA)
  2. Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe (IWO)
  3. European Education Center for Housing and Real Estate (EBZ)
  4. Hanse Parlament e.V. in Hamburg, Germany
  5. Charity Humanitarian Center “Abkhazeti” (CHCA)


Overall Budget: 116,020.02 €

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 26,162 €


Objective: Development and implementation of a professional program for Building Manager (Hausmeister) in Georgian vocational colleges with the participation of youth, vocational colleges, construction companies, representatives of non-governmental organizations and decision makers 

Target group(s): Young people, VET colleges, construction companies, hotels, local governments, building communities and other stakeholders   

Beneficiaries: Young people, VET colleges, construction companies, hotels, local governments, building communities and other stakeholders   

Conducted activities:

  1. Cooperation was made with construction colleges and the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia (MESCSG) and  Employment Agency of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara (EAARA)
  2. A forum was held with stakeholders in Adjara
  3. Trainings were held about the German model and approaches of dual education for representatives of target colleges in Georgia
  4. Study visit was made in Germany to learn how the dual system works


   Achieved results:

  1. Professional education program was implemented by 2 vocational colleges in Adjara
  2. The 8-10 representatives of VET colleges, companies and business organizations (chambers or associations) were trained for the realization of a dual vocational education oriented to the conditions in Georgia

Name: Master of my House – Share good Perspectives

Implementation period: 01.04.2020-30.06.2021

Implementation area: Georgia

  Donors /Partners:

  1. Federal Foreign Office of Germany (AA)
  2. Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe (IWO)
  3. European Education Center for Housing and Real Estate (EBZ)
  4. Hanse Parlament e.V. in Hamburg, Germany
  5. Charity Humanitarian Center “Abkhazeti” (CHCA)


Overall Budget: 73,758.61 €

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 14,424 €

Objective: Development and implementation of a professional program for Building Manager (Hausmeister) in Georgian vocational colleges with the participation of youth, vocational colleges, construction companies, representatives of non-governmental organizations and decision makers  

Target group(s): Young people, VET colleges, construction companies, hotels, local governments, building communities and other stakeholders

Beneficiaries: Young people, VET colleges, construction companies, hotels, local governments, building communities and other stakeholders  

Conducted activities:

  1. Cooperation with construction colleges and the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia (MESCSG)
  2. Meetings with the VET colleges and the Ministry of Education (MESCSG)
  3. Initiation of an official certification for the Building Manager (Hausmeister) program in Georgia
  4. Creation of a “Training for Trainers” (ToT) concept and conduction of ToT on building management topics in Kutaisi


Achieved results:

  1. 30 young people gained knowledge about the Building Manager (Hausmeister) profession and learnt how to take care of common property according to German experience
  2. The educational program in Building Management was officially certified and conducted in Georgian VET colleges
  3. The profession ‘Building Manager’ (Hausmeister) was adopted in Georgia

Name: Curriculum Innovation for Social Inclusion (CISI)

Implementation period: 2019 – 2023

Implementation area: Georgia


 Donors /Partners: 

  1. Erasmus +
  2. Tbilisi State University (TSU)
  3. Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University (BSU)
  4. Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University (TeSaU)
  5. Akaki Tsereteli State University (ATSU)
  6. Transilvania University of Brașov UTBv
  7. Univerzita Palackeho v Olomouc (PUO)
  8. University of Warsaw (UW)
  9. Philipps-Universität Marburg (UMR);
  10. “Mariani“
  11. DPO Movement Accessible Environment for Everyone (MAEE)
  12. Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports of Georgia (MoESCS)


Total project budget: 19,766 €

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 19,766 €

Objective(s): to contribute to the process of social inclusion of persons with disabilities by increasing the quality of inclusive education at public schools

Target group(s): schools, universities, NGOs

Beneficiaries: special teachers, people with disabilities (PWD), students with special educational needs (SEN)

Planned activities:

  1. New academic courses/modules related to special education in the 300-credit teacher training program at the project partner Georgian universities were prepared
  2.  60-credit Certificate Program for Special Teacher Training was prepared
  3. Short training programs for the interested persons  were created
  4. Network supporting inclusive education – cooperation between schools, universities, non-governmental organizations, and government agencies was established

Name: Establishment of New Infrastructural and Technical Standards

Implementation period: 06.2020 – 12.2020

Implementation area: Kutaisi, Gori, Zugdidi, Saguramo

Donors /Partners: Bread for the World (BfdW)

Overall Budget: 5,500 €

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC:  5,500 €

Objective:  To optimize working procedures and processes based on technical solutions; to guarantee an organization appealing to fund and to collaborate with in the future

Target group(s): EDEC employees

Beneficiaries: EDEC employees

Conducted activities:

  1. Additional licenses for accounting software were purchased
  2. A holistic and secure IT network was created
  3. Office equipment was renewed
  4. Technical and software instruction and trainings were conducted for the employees of the organization


Achieved results:

  1. Standardized communication and file sharing processes
  2. Improved usage of financial resources by smoother working processes
  3. Reduced internal “bottlenecks” by knowledge and responsibility sharing
  4. Higher efficiency as a “selling point” for future partner and donor search




Implementation period:  2016-2020

Implementation area: Kutaisi

Target group(s): 18 years old and above

Classes: once a week (1.5 hours)

Course fee: 30 GEL per month

Objective: Students will learn public speaking techniques, develop analytical and quick thinking skills, including logical reasoning. Students will be able to put these skills into practice at school, higher education, and public life in general

Conducted activities: course participants met once a week and talked in English about topics of interest to them with American volunteers

 Achieved results: After completing the ENGLISH SPEAKER’S CLUB course, young people speak English more confidently, which helps develop their communication skills


Name:  Leadership School

implementation period:  2020

Implementation area:  Kutaisi

Target Audience: Individuals between the ages of 16 and 22 years old.

Cost of schooling: The cost of schooling is 600 GEL. However, students who cover the tuition fee those involved in another paid program of EDEC, and family members enrolled in the school will benefit from a preferential price and pay 550 GEL.

Goal: Participants will develop the qualities necessary for effective leadership. They will develop problem-solving skills, learn to take initiative, identify challenges, and solve them. They will be able to make and present decisions independently and will share knowledge with their peers to make a positive contribution to the process of building a better country and become citizens who protect their rights and the rights of others.

Planned Activities:

  1. Participants will learn about different leadership types and discuss their similarities and differences.
  2. They will learn to work independently on projects.
  3. They will participate in group discussions.
  4. They will study the development and management of community projects.
  5. Participants will deepen their belief in diversity and inclusiveness.

 Name: Master of My House, Master of My Future!

Implementation period: 05.08.2018 – 31.12.2018

Implementation area: Imereti Region

Donors /Partners:

  1. Federal Foreign Office of Germany, Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe (IWO)
  2. European Education Center for Housing and Real Estate (EBZ)
  3. Charity Humanitarian Center “Abkhazeti” (CHCA)


Overall Budget: 60,000 €

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 5,925 €

Objective: To train young IDP* leaders as housemasters for IDP settlements based on the basics of the German dual education system

Target group(s): IDPs and other vulnerable groups of our society

Beneficiaries: IDPs and other vulnerable groups of our society

Conducted activities:

  1. A 3-month training course was organized for 30 youth representatives
  2. Study trip to Germany for eight participants


Achieved results:

  1. 30 young people raised their knowledge about how to run community work, how to take care of common property, conflict management, and prevention
  2. All 30 participants graduated in the profession ‘housemaster’
  3. Eight participants visited Germany and gathered experience which they could adopt back in Imereti

Name: English Language Access Scholarship Program

Implementation period: 09.2012 – 07.2016

Implementation area: Imereti

Donors /Partners: 

  1. United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
  2. PH International


Overall budget:

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC:  15,180 $

Objective: Access to English language learning for vulnerable teenagers

Target group(s): Young people aged 13 to 15

Beneficiaries: Young people aged 13 to 15

Conducted activities: A summer school was organized with the aim of improving the English language and developing leadership skills

Achieved results: Young people aged 13 to 15 enrolled in the program and improved their English significantly

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