Ongoing Projects

Name: Introduction of social entrepreneurship as a key to competitive youth and strengthened vocational schools in Georgia

Implementation period: 01.11.2023–30.04.2026

Implementation area: Imereti, Shida Kartli



  1. German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
  2. Childfund Deutschland E.V, (Germany)


Total budget:  351,788.00 €

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC:  308,421.95 €

Objective: To expand and improve social and economic opportunities for young people in Georgia by strengthening the social entrepreneurial ecosystem and vocational training

Target groups: Students and teachers of vocational and public schools

Beneficiaries: Students and teachers of vocational and public schools

Planned Activities:

  1. Selection of four pilot vocational schools in the target regions of Imeretia and Inner Kartlia
  2. Comprehensive update of the existing EDEC training program in social entrepreneurship, corresponding certification by the Alliance of Georgian Social Enterprises (SEA) and submission for authorization to the National Center for Education Quality Assurance (NCEQE) for a nationwide dissemination of the course in SE at vocational schools
  3. 6 Information days on social entrepreneurship and expansion of cooperation for 180 stakeholders from the education sector, the private sector, local media, NGOs and state institutions and authorities
  4. 5-day training course for 20 vocational school teachers in the field of social entrepreneurship
  5. Establishment and operation of business incubators and test laboratories for the development of social student companies at 4 pilot schools
  6. 4-month training in social entrepreneurship for 120 vocational school students
  7. 10 information events for 1,500 pupils and 50 secondary school teachers in 2 pilot regions
  8. 24 information events on social student companies at vocational schools and in municipalities nationwide conducted by 12 teachers from the second training phase
  9. Information and promotion campaign on the topic of social student companies
  10. Competition for student company ideas and establishment of at least 10 social student companies with the help of mentors and experts


Expected Results :

Name: Fostering Youth Social Entrepreneurship and Practical Career Management Skills in Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and Armenia through the Innovative Social Student Companies (SSC) Approach

Implementation period: 07.2023-07.2025

Implementation area: Armenia, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine

Donors /Partners:

  1. European Union (EU)
  2. Central Project Management Agency (Vilnius Lithuania)
  3. Childfund Deutschland E.V, (Germany)
  4. School of Mindful Entrepreneurship (Ukraine)
  5. Regional NGO “Vesta” (Moldova)
  6. ECOVISIO (Moldova)
  7. CODE Social Entrepreneurship Hub (Armenia)
  8. Education Development and Employment Center (EDEC)


Total budget: € 1,004,660. 21

The budget assigned to EDEC: € 169,350.96

Objective(s): Foster the active participation of youth in both democratic life and in the labour markets of UKR, MLD, GEO and ARM with a special focus on disadvantaged youth, thus contributing to sustainable and smart growth, social cohesion and reduction of inequalities in EaP countries

Target group(s): civil society, CSOs, youth centres, social enterprises, schools, public and private sector

Beneficiaries: CSOs, youth, teachers

Planned activities:

  1. Creation of an online portal for young social entrepreneurs
  2. Creation of a methodological guide on SSC
  3. Preparation of learning and teaching materials on social entrepreneurship for schools and integration into the local education system
  4. ToT programme on social entrepreneurship
  5. Organization of a study visit to one EaP project country and Germany
  6. Workshops on SSC in schools
  7. SSC Support for schools through workshops, mentoring and sub-grants
  8. Organization of a summer school for young trainers and entrepreneurs in SSC
  9. Organization of an international 1-day conference on SE
  10. Establishment of a social entrepreneurship network
  11. Creation of an internship programme for young people

Completed Projects

Name: Promoting vocational training and fostering employment opportunities for people with disabilities

Implementation period: 01.04.2019 – 31.12.2019

Implementation area: Batumi


Donors/Partners: Employment Agency of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara 

Overall Budget: 18,000 GEL

The part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 18,000 GEL

Objective: Promoting the employment of disabled individuals living in the Autonomous Republic of Adjara by providing a professional training course tailored to their development and individual skills

 Target group(s): People with disabilities, private sector, local authorities

Beneficiaries: persons with disabilities residing in the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara


Conducted activities:

1. The skills of 16 individuals, both labor and professional, were assessed

2. 16 companies operating in the regional labor market were interviewed

3. The professions of the beneficiaries of the sub-program were determined, and education and career development plans were created

4. 8 individuals completed a 200-hour theoretical and practical course, along with a 120-hour subsidized internship in professional skills

5. The subprogram was subjected to analytical evaluation



Achieved results:

1. 8 people with disabilities completed a 200-hour vocational training course and mastered various professions including confectioner, nail service specialist, massage rehabilitator, theater puppetry, props modeling, tailoring, and office work specialist

2. After completing the course, the beneficiaries participated in a 120-hour work-related internship program at the social enterprise “Man in Action” and at the Hilton Hotel, public college “New Wave“, furniture company “Avangardi” LLC, social enterprise “Man in Action”, Batumi City Hall was carried out

3. 6 people were hired for permanent positions


Name: Promoting vocational training and fostering employment opportunities for people with disabilities

Implementation period: 05.2023- 12.2023

Implementation area: Batumi

Donors/Partners: Employment Agency of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara 

Overall Budget: 32,000 GEL

The part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 32,000 GEL

Objective: Promoting the employment of disabled individuals living in the Autonomous Republic of Adjara by providing a professional training course tailored to their development and individual skills 

Target group(s): People with disabilities, private sector, local authorities

Beneficiaries: persons with disabilities residing in the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara

Conducted activities:

  1. The skills of 16 individuals, both labor and professional, were assessed
  2. 16 companies operating in the regional labor market were interviewed
  3. The professions of the beneficiaries of the sub-program were determined, and education and career development plans were created
  4. 8 individuals completed a 200-hour theoretical and practical course, along with a 120-hour subsidized internship in professional skills
  5. The subprogram was subjected to analytical evaluation


Achieved results:

  1. 1. 8 people with disabilities completed a 200-hour vocational training course and mastered various professions including confectioner, nail service specialist, massage rehabilitator, theater puppetry, props modeling, tailoring, and office work specialist
  2. After completing the course, the beneficiaries participated in a 120-hour work-related internship program. This program was carried out at the social enterprise “Human in Action,” the hotel “Hilton,” the beauty salon “MG Style,” the Tourism Development Promotion Center of Keda , and the Rehabilitation Center of Irma Khvichia
  3. 4 people were hired for permanent positions

Name: Promoting vocational training and fostering employment opportunities for people with disabilities

Implementation period: 05.2022–12.2022

Implementation area: Batumi

Donors/Partners: Employment Agency of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara 

Overall Budget: 32,000 GEL

The part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 32,000 GEL

Objective: Promoting the employment of disabled individuals living in the Autonomous Republic of Adjara by providing a professional training course tailored to their development and individual skills

Target group(s): People with disabilities, private sector, local authorities

Beneficiaries: persons with disabilities residing in the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara

Conducted activities:

  1. The skills of 16 individuals, both labor and professional, were assessed
  2. 16 companies operating in the regional labor market were interviewed
  3. The professions of the beneficiaries of the sub-program were determined, and education and career development plans were created
  4. 8 individuals completed a 200-hour theoretical and practical course, along with a 120-hour subsidized internship in professional skills
  5. The subprogram was subjected to analytical evaluation


Achieved results:

  1. 8 people with disabilities completed a 200-hour vocational training course and became proficient in various professions, including confectionery, nail services, massage therapy, web technology and social media, electrical work, and front office administration
  2. After the completion of the course, the beneficiaries participated in the 120-hour work-related internship program, which was implemented in the social enterprise “Adamian in Action” in the hotel “Hilton”, in the beauty salon “MG Style” and in the Tourism Development Promotion Center of Keda, in the Rehabilitation Center of Irma Khvichia
  3. 3 people were hired for permanent positions

Name: Organization and execution of job fairs, preparation, and delivery of short-term training workshops for job seekers on fundamental labor market rules

Implementation period: 05.2021–07.2021

Implementation area: Batumi

Donors /Partners: Employment Agency of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara

Overall Budget: 14,200 GEL

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 14,200 GEL

Objective: Connecting organizations and job seekers within the Autonomous Republic of Adjara

Target group(s): Job seekers and organizations operating in the Adjara region

Beneficiaries: Organizations and job seekers operating within the territorial unit of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara

Conducted activities:

  1. A Job Fair was organized and held
  2. Short-term training seminars on basic labor market rules were prepared and conducted for job seekers


Achieved results:

  1. A Job Fair was held in which more than 400 job seekers participated. At the forum, 65 small, medium, and large businesses in the Adjara region presented more than 1000 vacancies
  2. Approximately 100 job seekers attended a short-term training seminar where they received instruction on resume writing, cover letter writing, effective communication with employers, and interview techniques


Name: Promoting vocational training and fostering employment opportunities for people with disabilities

Implementation period: 05.2021–12.2021

Implementation area: Batumi

Donors/Partners: Employment Agency of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara 

Overall Budget: 20,800 GEL 

The part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 20,800 GEL 

Objective: Promoting the employment of disabled individuals living in the Autonomous Republic of Adjara by providing a professional training course tailored to their development and individual skills 

Target group(s): People with disabilities, private sector, local authorities 

Beneficiaries: persons with disabilities residing in the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara 

Conducted activities:

  1. The skills of 22 individuals, both labor and professional, were assessed
  2. 13 companies operating in the regional labor market were interviewed
  3. The professions of the beneficiaries of the sub-program were determined, and education and career development plans were created
  4. 8 individuals completed a 200-hour theoretical and practical course, along with a 120-hour subsidized internship in professional skills
  5. The subprogram was subjected to analytical evaluation


  Achieved results:

  1. 8 individuals with disabilities completed a 200-hour vocational training course and became proficient in various professions, including confectioner, nail service specialist, sales coordinator, technician, and financial assistant
  2. After completing the course, the beneficiaries participated in a 120-hour work-related internship program. This program was carried out at the social enterprise “Man in Action,” the “Hilton” hotel, and the beauty salons “MG Style” and “VIP Style”
  3. 6 people were hired for permanent positions

Name: Capacity Building of Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises in Poti

Implementation period: 11.2022 – 04.2023

Implementation area: Poti, Georgia


  1. USAID Economic Security Program
  2. APM Terminals Poti


Total budget: 24,000 GEL

Part of The budget assigned to EDEC:  24,000 GEL

Objective: To develop long-term business planning and vision skills for representatives of micro, small, and medium enterprises living in Poti, to equip them with basic knowledge and necessary skills for the development of business activities

Target groups: Micro, small, and medium-sized entrepreneurs

Beneficiaries: Micro, small, and medium-sized entrepreneurs

Conducted Activities:

  1. 40 entrepreneurs underwent a 44-hour group training on “Business Growth and Development” and developed skills in entrepreneurial visioning, business strategy formulation, resource mobilization, and digital marketing management
  2. Invited specialists and experts provided individual consultations to entrepreneurs on the issues of drawing up a business plan, managing business pages and correctly positioning the business in social networks


Achieved results: As a result of individual consultations and trainings, 40 entrepreneurs developed proper business management techniques and acquired the necessary skills for business activities

Name: Protecting IDP rights during the COVID-19 crisis in Georgia & Expanding agency and voice and improving the socio-economic outlook for conflict-affected women during the COVID-19 crisis

Implementation period: 12.2020 – 06.2021

Implementation area: Imereti, Shida Kartli and Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti

Donors /Partners: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Overall Budget: 14,220 $ 

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 14,220 $ 


  1. to address youth needs and promote youth participation in the development and delivery of the response to COVID-19
  2. to improve entrepreneurship skills among conflict-affected young women living in the areas adjacent to Georgia’s administrative boundary lines (ABLs)


Target group(s): young IDPs and villagers living along the ABLs, conflict affected young women

Beneficiaries: 16-35 aged young IDPs and conflict-affected women in the target regions and young villagers along the ABLs

Conducted activities:

  1. youth-based peer learning was introduced as an efficient response to COVID-19 by providing online trainings for 30 peer educators (young IDPs and villagers along the ABLs)
  2. effective application and spread of beneficiaries’ newly learnt knowledge was supported by various activities: a) peer learning; b) design competition: “Peace and Human Rights”; c) 3-5 inspirational meetings with public figures
  3. basic entrepreneurship skills training for conflict-affected young women who graduated from EDEC’s earlier dual education program was provided
  4. tool kits were provided to the trainees in order to encourage them to start a small business, become self-employed and maybe also an employer one day


Achieved results:

  1. 30 IDPs and conflict-affected youth were involved in peer learning
  2. 40 IDPs and conflict-affected women gained basic entrepreneurship skills

Name: Learn, Exercise, Achieve, Receive, Network for Employment! (LEARN for Employment!)

Implementation period: 01.2021 – 12.2023

Implementation area: Imereti, Guria, Racha-Lechkhumi, Adjara, Shida Kartli, and Kakheti


  1. European Union (EU)
  2. Telavi Education Development and Employment Center (TEDEC)
  3. Employment Agency of the Autonomous Region of Adjara (EAARA)
  4. Abkhazintercont (AIC)
  5. Guria Youth Resource Center (GYRC)


Overall Budget: 837,500 €

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 670,000 €

Objective: to promote an efficient transition model from education to the labour market largely supporting increased employment, social integration and decreased poverty and vulnerability levels.

Target group(s): disadvantaged youth, IDPs, PwD, NEETs other vulnerable groups

Beneficiaries: disadvantaged youth, IDPs, PwD, NEETs other vulnerable groups

Achieved results:

  1. The Career Guidance and Employment Service Centerswere strengthened in Batumi, Kutaisi, and Telavi
  2. Career Guidance and Employment Service Centers were established in Ambrolauri, Ozurgeti and Gori
  3. 43 consultants of private and state Career Guidance and Employment Service Centers were trained
  4. The Labor Market Information Management System of Adjara Employment Agency was upgraded
  5. 3867 job seekers were registered at the Career Guidance and Employment Service Centers and benefitted from multiple consultations
  6. Cooperation was established with 1150 employer companies
  7. 737 jobseekers enrolled in Vocational Education programs
  8. 1939 job seekers underwent key competency training
  9. 567 job seekers participated in work-based training and internship programs
  10. 887 job seekers got employment
  11. 6 Job Fairs were organized; 217 companies presented 784 vacancies; 103 job seekers were employed
  12. New vocational programs were designed in the field of Tourism and Maritime:
  • Winery Host – College “Iberia, College “Erkvani”
  • Passenger Ship Waiter – Batumi Navigation Teaching University
  • Service and Serving – College “Aisi”
  • Service and Serving at Establishments   – College “Gantiadi”
  • Turner-Welder – Batumi State Maritime Academy
  • Family Hotel Services – Chiatura Multidisciplinary Center
  • Maintenance and Management of the Infrastructure of the Building and the Surrounding Area – College “New Wave”
  • Tea Host – College “Horizonti”
  1. Educational resources of vocational education were improved
  2. The “Winery Host” handbook was designed
  3. 17 teachers from 3 vocational schools raised their qualifications in teaching techniques and related fields
  4. Maritime Business Forum was organized


Name: ESCape – Employment, Support, Counselling to Meet Labour Market Needs

Implementation period: 11.2020 – 11.2023

Implementation area: Imereti region

Donors /Partners:

  1. European Union (EU)
  2. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES)
  3. Democracy Development Agency (DDA)
  4. State Employment Support Agency (SESA)

Overall Budget: € 1,250,000

The part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 497,976.89 GEL

Objective: to tackle the existing gaps in the field of employment services by improving the quality and sustainability of job placement and career counseling for job seekers.

Target group(s): CSOs, SESA, Employment Support Centers (ESCs)

Beneficiaries: disadvantaged groups, job seekers

Planned activities:
1. improve the quality of employment services through the exchange of international experiences and increased institutional capacities of the SESA;
2. implement a new model of intensive and individualized coaching in cooperation with DDA;
3. provide career counselling for unemployed and jobseekers in the target regions through ESCs;
4. improve skills development and competences of unemployed disadvantaged individuals;
5. work on key competence trainings for “hard to employ” individuals in the framework of a Public-Private-Partnership with SESA.

Expected results:
1. Relevant skills-matching services will be made more accessible and effective, especially career guidance, counselling and job intermediation.
2. Thanks to the new innovative coaching model relevant lifelong learning skills will be made more accessible in the target regions.
3. At 2.700 disadvantaged individuals received intensive coaching and improved their chances on the labor marke

Name: EU4Youth – Enhancing Youth Education, Employment and Participation in Conflict-affected Areas in Georgia and Ukraine

Implementation period: 2018 – 2020

Implementation area: Shida Kartli and Samegrelo regions

Donors /Partners:

  1. European Union (EU)
  2. Danish Refugee Council (DRC)


Total project budget: 1,580.000 € 

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 370,533 €  

Objective: to increase education, employment, and entrepreneurial opportunities for internally displaced persons and conflict-affected youth and encourages their significant participation in the community

Target group(s): IDPs, government, private sector, CSOs

 Beneficiaries: Internally displaced youth from the occupied territories

 Achieved results: 

  1. 84 young IDPs participated in the Entrepreneurship School established in Gori and Zugdidi; 30 of them started or restarted the implementation of their business ideas
  2. 271 young people graduated from dual vocational education programs, and 101 of them found employment
  3. A youth advocacy forum was organized with the participation of young people and government officials, representatives from business and civil society sectors working on youth-related issues
  4. The B2B fair was organized which brought together 87 people, including 51 ‘buyer’ organisations, 13 ES graduates and 23 invited guests from civil, Government and media sector

Name: Meet the demands of time, receive education and become employed!

Implementation period: 04.2019 – 12.2019

Implementation area: Kutaisi

Donors /Partners: Kutaisi City Hall

Overall Budget: 25,000 GEL

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 10,000 GEL

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 12,500 GEL

Objective: Addressing the issue of guaranteeing livelihoods of people with disabilities by improving their skills and knowledge in the promising fields of digital marketing and web technologies; by increasing their income generation opportunities by both self-employment and employment

Target group(s): Job seekers with disabilities in Kutaisi

Beneficiaries: Job seekers with disabilities in Kutaisi; mainly people with reduced mobility, who do not have access to educational and employment services

Conducted activities:

  1. Selection of 14 out of 22 persons with mobility disabilities based on individual assessment (opportunities for professional development and employment, digital marketing and web technologies skills; employment perspectives in this area)
  2. Three-month intensive course in digital marketing and web technology
  3. Individual face-to-face and online consultations by professional for the beneficiaries about applying the gained theoretical knowledge and skills into practice
  4. Individual consultations for beneficiaries in order to assist them in their job search, and inform them about job interview procedures and cover letter/CV preparation techniques

Achieved results:

  1. All 14 training participants received a certificates for completion of the digital marketing course
  2. All beneficiaries were referred to the employment program of the Social Service Agency

Name: Vocational Training and Employment for People with Disabilities

Implementation period: 2018

Implementation area: Batumi

Donors /Partners: Employment Agency of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara

Overall Budget: 16,000 GEL

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 16,000 GEL

Objective: To mobilize Adjara-based job seekers with disabilities, conduct short-term vocational training and support their employment.

Target group(s): People with disabilities, private sector, local government

Beneficiaries: Adjara-based people with disabilities

Conducted activities:

  1. Professional assessment of labor and vocational education skills of 56 PwDs
  2. Professional orientation training courses were conducted


Achieved results:

  1. In partnership with the vocational school “New Wave” in Kobuleti ten PwDs underwent a 200-hour vocational training course in either culinary arts, confectionery, woodwork, computer services, office programs, or web design
  2. After completing the courses, beneficiaries participated in a job-related internship program in cooperation with the furniture company “Randy”, the social enterprise “Man in Action” and the hotels “Hilton” and “Euphoria”
  3. Four beneficiaries found long-term employment

Name: Individual Needs-Based Vocational Education and Employment Support for People with Disabilities

Implementation period: 2018

Implementation area: Kutaisi

Donors /Partners: Kutaisi City Hall

Overall Budget: 10,000 GEL

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 10,000 GEL

Objective: To mobilize Kutaisi-based job seekers with disabilities, conduct short-term vocational training and support their employment

Target group(s): People with disabilities, private sector, local government

Beneficiaries: Kutaisi-based people with disabilities

Implemented activities:

  1. Professional assessment of labor and vocational education skills of 34 PwDs
  2. 30 PwDs completed professional orientation training-courses
  3. Ten PwDs completed confectionery, nail technician and hospitality management courses


Achieved results:

  1. Ten beneficiaries enrolled in appropriate teaching programs at vocational schools
  2. Seven enrolled at the Public College “Iberia” in Kutaisi
  3. Six participated in a paid internship program implemented by the Social Service Agency
  4. Six joined an employment program implemented by the Social Service Agency
  5. Three found employment

Name: Social Entrepreneurship – An Innovative Approach to Social and Economic Change

Implementation period: 2016-2018

Implementation area: Adjara, Guria, Imereti, Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti, Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti Regions

Donors /Partners:

  1. European Union (EU)
  2. Brot für die Welt
  3. Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia (CSRDG)
  4. Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Georgia (ASB Georgia)
  5. Microfinance Organization “Crystal”


Overall Budget: 679,201 € 

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 165,424 € 

Objective: To support social entrepreneurship for social and ecological sustainability and economic empowerment of the most vulnerable groups of our society

Target group(s): People interested in social entrepreneurship, civic and business sector, government actors

Beneficiaries: Existing social enterprises

Implemented activities:

  1. The competition “Students in Support of Social Entrepreneurship” was held three times
  2. An annual social entrepreneurs fair was held three times
  3. Six social enterprise product exhibitions were organized
  4. 95 potential social entrepreneurs have undergone intensive trainings
  5. 20 social enterprises received individual consultations based on their needs


Achieved results:

  1. ‘Alliance of Social Enterprises’ was established
  2. A webpage for the Alliance of Social Enterprises has been created
  3. A catalog of social enterprises in Georgia has been published
  4. 14 social enterprises were funded
  5. A textbook on social entrepreneurship has been published
  6. A document analyzing the best international practices how the state can support social enterprises has been created
  7. Recommendations for government agencies have been prepared
  8. A conference on possible mechanisms on how to support social entrepreneurship was held with the participation of international experts
  9. With support of the Microfinance Organization “Crystal” the availability of credit products for social enterprises has increased
  10. Informative documents on “Venture Philanthropy” and “Impact Investment” were prepared for the Georgian business sector

Name: Promoting Vocational Education and Employment among People with Disabilities based on their Individual Skills

Implementation period: 05.2018 – 12.2018

Implementation area: Kutaisi

Donors /Partners: Kutaisi City Hall

Overall Budget: 16,000 GEL

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 16,000 GEL

Objective: Promoting vocational education, employment and socio-economic integration of persons with disability

Target group(s): Job seekers with disabilities

Beneficiaries: Job seekers with disabilities who do not have access to state vocational education programs

Conducted activities:

  1. Update of database of people with disabilities
  2. Update of database of representatives of public and private school administrations and persons responsible for inclusive education (special teachers, psychologists, inclusive education coordinators)
  3. Informing organizations working on the issues of persons with disabilities, public and vocational schools, vocational and higher education institutions, persons with disabilities, and other stakeholders about the project
  4. Individual assessment, testing and interviews of project beneficiaries


Achieved results:

  1. 30 persons with disabilities underwent vocational training and individual consultations
  2. Vocational training program was implemented in four pre-selected professions (cook, hotel specialist, stylist, manicure specialist)
  3. Seven persons with disabilities were referred to the Vocational College “Iberia”
  4. Six beneficiaries participated in the paid internship program of the LEPL Social Service Agency under the control of the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia;
  5. Four beneficiaries were employed

Name: Educate, Employ, Advocate and Legislate for Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities

Implementation period: 2015-2017

Implementation area: Tbilisi, Imereti, Adjara, and Kakheti Region

 Donors /Partners:

  1. European Union (EU)
  2. Telavi Education Development and Employment Center (TEDEC)
  3. Georgian Committee of the International Campaign to ban Landmines “Ottawa -98”
  4. Public College “Gldani Vocational Training Center”
  5. Kutaisi Public College, Kachreti Public College


Overall Budget: 377,981 €

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 377,981 €

Objective: To promote education and employment of people with disabilities

Target group(s): Civic society organizations, entrepreneurs, vocational education providers, central and local government

Beneficiaries: Persons with disabilities living in Tbilisi, Imereti, Adjara and Kakheti region

Implemented activities:

  1. 195 beneficiaries received career orientation training
  2. 210 employers attended trainings on ethical work standards, proper terminology, and how to manage and adapt the workplace for people with disabilities
  3. Eight job fairs were held (two per region)
  4. 25 sessions of the Coordination-Consultative Council were held
  5. 22 journalists were trained in proper coverage of the issues related to persons with disabilities
  6. A competition for journalists was organized
  7. 24 TV and eight radio programs, as well as 26 newspaper articles, were prepared to reduce stigmatization of and discrimination against people with disabilities


Achieved results:

  1. 719 employers and 622 job seekers were registered in the database
  2. 128 people with disabilities were involved in internship programs
  3. 129 beneficiaries were referred to a vocational college
  4. 173 beneficiaries found employment
  5. Four groups of the Coordination-Consultative Council have been established
  6. Three documentaries on disability issues were produced


Name: From Dependency to Self-Sufficiency Innovative, Effective and Scalarable Livelihood Solutions for Georgia

Implementation period: 2015-2016

Implementation area: Mtsketa-Mtianeti (Akhalgori), Imereti (Kutaisi, Tskaltubo), Samegrelo (Zugdidi, Poti), Adjara (Batumi)

Donors /Partners:

  1. European Union (EU)
  2. Danish Refugee Council (DRC)
  3. Charity Humanitarian Centre Abkhazeti (CHCA)


Overall Budget: 

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 

Objective: Economic integration of IDP and host communities (employment and self-employment) and support in creation of income resources

Target group: IDPs, host communities, war veterans by disability status

Beneficiaries: IDPs, host and war affected communities and eco migrants

Achieved results:

  1. Business incubator was established for IDP start-up businesses
  2. 224 beneficiaries were registered for financial resource accessibility and implementation-development of business ideas
  3. Local network of community organizations was established;
  4. Eight trainings were conducted with the participation of 130 persons
  5. 71 IDPs attended trainings on career planning, job seeking, employment and self-employment
  6. 16 of them were employed
  7. 6 new community groups were created to activate five Home Owners Partnerships;
  8. 16 persons were involved in internship programs
  9. 63 grants of various categories were issued

Name: Education and Employment pilot program to Advocate Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities

Implementation period: 10.2013–08.2015

Implementation area: Kutaisi

 Donors /Partners:

  1. European Union (EU)
  2. Latvia-Georgia Cooperation Fund


Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 107,520 €

Objective: To create a sustainable model of employment and vocational training for persons with disabilities for a better their socio-economic integration

Target group(s): Local government, private sector, educational institutions

Beneficiaries: Persons with Disabilities

Conducted activities:

  1. 155 people with disabilities were registered in the job seekers’ database
  2. 140 entrepreneurs were registered in the potential employers’ database
  3. 11 people with disabilities underwent a training course in computer engineering
  4. 44 people with disabilities underwent vocational training
  5. 81 people with disabilities were assisted in CV and cover letter writing


Achieved results:

  1. An Employment Center for Persons with Disabilities has been established
  2. Four people underwent an internship
  3. 17 people with disabilities graduated at the Public College “Iberia”
  4. 66 persons with disabilities were employed in a long-term job

Name: Employment and Self-Employment Project for IDP Youth living in Kutaisi

Implementation period: 05.2010-02.2011

Implementation area: Kutaisi, Tskaltubo

Donors /Partners: Civil Society Foundation

Overall Budget: 6,996 $ 

Part of the budget assigned to EDEC: 6,996 $ 

Objective: To support the role of entrepreneurs in the process of creating employment and self-employment opportunities for IDPs from Abkhazia and Tskhinvali region.

Target group(s): Entrepreneurs, local government, private sector

Beneficiaries: Internally displaced people aged 17 to 30

Conducted activities:

  1. 236 IDPs have improved their capacity and developed skills required in the modern job market
  2. 100 entrepreneurs operating in the Imereti Region have increased their knowledge about methods of effective human resource management through trainings and consultations


Achieved results:

  1. 29 people became employed in a long-term job
  2. Seven people started and established their own business
  3. An entrepreneurial network has been established to develop youth employment policies

Name: Business Development Initiative

Implementation period: 2009-2011

Implementation area: Imereti Region


  1. Mi-so Credo
  2. World Vision Georgia


Objective: To support small and medium-sized agro-business start-ups especially those led by socially vulnerable and underprivileged people, and those who cannot access credit services offered by the bank and microfinance sector

Target group(s): Private sector

Beneficiaries: Socially underprivileged youth, start-up entrepreneurs

Conducted activities: More than 450 young people underwent business training including consultation on business plan preparation

Achieved results:

  1. 2 small-sized  businesses were established in Imereti
  2. 103 business plans were funded
  3. 20 representatives of local businesses received cheaper loans

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