Numerous guests visit the Day Care Centers during the holidays. Their goal is to color the holidays and bring unforgettable memories to children. Representatives
The friendship between EDEC and GURMANI has been continuing for years. The ongoing tradition of sending delicious desserts to the beneficiaries of the day
Mariam Rostomashvili is one of them, who heard about the employment project from the social network. “I was unemployed, that’s why I contacted employment
Education Development and Employment Center (EDEC) in cooperation with Speech Development and Correction Center “Logomed” conducted the primary diagnosis of speech disorder for free.
The Education Development and Employment Center (EDEC) has launched an internship program for special teachers at the daycare centers for children with disabilities. The
The Education Development and Employment Center(EDEC) will open the Social Inclusion Center in the village of Zeda Dimi, Baghdati Municipality with the financial support of the Embassy of Japan
On March 17, 2022, Employment Support Center in Kutaisi hosted its first public presentation to increase awareness about the employment support instruments offered to
Jurate Juodsnukyte, the Attaché of Labour Market, Migration and Gender at EU Delegation to Georgia visited the Education Development and Employment Center in Kutaisi today. The